When you begin pondering the last days (as the Bible presents them) and you read what the prophets have to say about that time, you’re inevitably drawn to the Book of Revelation. And what I …
Zechariah: Visions and Prophecies
View PostThe Minor Prophets #29 - Zechariah
There is really no question that when you read an Old Testament prophet you should ask how he was understood at the time, and how the prophecy would apply in his own lifetime. But if …
The Minor Prophets #28 - Zechariah
When you are reading the Old Testament prophets, there’s a particular challenge you run into again and again: What time period is the prophecy aimed at? Now, I have long since explained that in order …
The Minor Prophets #27 - Zechariah
I find myself constantly fascinated at the way the prophets in the Bible interlace with one another. You wouldn’t know this on a single read. You wouldn’t know it by reading a chapter here a …
The Minor Prophets #26 - Zechariah
It seems odd, in a way, that Satan is not mention more than he is in the Old Testament—at least by name. There may be other references, but the word Satan appears only once in …
The Minor Prophets #25 - Zechariah
The next-to-the-last book in the Old Testament—the next-to-the-last of the Minor Prophets—is a man named Zechariah. In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the Lord unto Zechariah, the …
Jerusalem at the End
View PostThe Book of Zechariah #4
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.
The Book of Zechariah #3
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.
The Book of Zechariah #2
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.
The Book of Zechariah #1
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.
Zechariah 1
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.