All of us are pretty well acquainted with the fact that the Holy Days, as originally given to Israel, were oriented around the concept of the harvest festival. To some extent, I think some people …
Prophecy: The Basics
View PostPentecost and Prophecy
The holy days in Israel were prophetic, illustrating God’s plan through annual cycles that reflected his work and intentions. Although the people of Old Testament times might not have fully grasped their significance, these holy …
Prophets Old and New
There are times, reading the prophets in the Bible, that I feel like I am reading an op-ed piece on current events. The 83rd Psalm is uncanny when read in the light of today’s news. …
The Middle East & Prophecy #6
If you pick up the Bible and start reading in any of the prophets, nearly anywhere, you will almost certainly be reading about the Middle East. Even the prophecies that deal with other nations deal …
The Middle East & Prophecy #5
Too often, people open the Bible and try to read the future or interpret the prophecy without first understanding the past, and that’s why we have been talking about who owns the land of Palestine …
The Middle East & Prophecy #4
God only knows what’s coming next in the Middle East. I do not mean to be irreverent. I mean, literally, only God knows what is coming next. I guess we can live with that, but …
The Middle East & Prophecy #3
Who owns Palestine, really? Who does this blood-soaked piece of property belong to? It is an important question, because the whole world seems to realize that the last chapter of man’s troubled history on this …
The Middle East & Prophecy #2
Who owns the Middle East? Is the real battle going on in the Middle East about who owns the land or about religion? You would think when you hear people talk about land for peace …
The Middle East & Prophecy #1
Who owns Palestine? Who actually has the deed to the property? As the old saying goes, possession is nine points of the law, but that doesn’t keep us from asking the important question of the …
Apocalypse Now?
View PostHistory & Prophecy #8
If we don’t have a good overview of what we’re reading in the Bible, prophecies will undoubtedly seem disjointed. In Isaiah 9:16 we’re told: Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are …
History & Prophecy #7
All too often, Bible prophecy is misconstrued or misappropriated. The Apostle Paul told us in 1 Corinthians that prophecies can fail: Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are …
History & Prophecy #6
Many prophecies in the Bible are dual. There can be a type and an anti-type of prophetic events. The type is the first occurrence of any given prophecy and it foreshadows the anti-type, which is …
History & Prophecy #5
In the process of relating the events of history to prophecies, let’s ask if we can come to deeper understanding of prophecy and prophets. We need to understand more clearly the historical situation in which …
History & Prophecy #4
There have been many interpretations regarding the time of Christ’s return. How could there be so many different opinions? Could it be that all too often people make their assumptions by looking at the future …
History & Prophecy #3
As we progress in this study of History and Prophecy, we’re beginning to see a difference in the conduct of the kings in the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel compared with the kings of Judah. …
History & Prophecy #2
So many people jump right into the middle of a study of the prophets, without an adequate understanding of history and find themselves totally at sea in some cases, not understanding what at all the …
History & Prophecy #1
Some have said that prophecy is history written in advance. Well, that may not be altogether accurate, but it is accurate to say that your knowledge of history plays a very important role in your …
Who’s Who in Prophecy #2
It’s too bad more people don’t read the Old Testament prophets. I know, they can be a little hard to follow at times. Most of them are poets, and they use a lot of imagery. …
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