History really does repeat itself. The reason is simple and obvious: We keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over again—and it produces the same results over and over again. The cycle of history …
The Minor Prophets #12 - Hosea
At times, when you read the prophets, there’s an almost melancholy sense—a sadness, a blues, as it were—because you realize that God didn’t want things to go the way they were going. The Book of …
The Minor Prophets #11 - Hosea
The whole idea behind sin offerings in the Bible is for a man to acknowledge his sin and to recognize that there is a price to be paid for it. Now, God didn’t make a …
The Minor Prophets #10 - Hosea
It’s painful watching history repeat itself. It’s even more painful to realize you can’t do much to head it off. But there’s nothing new under the sun, and the prophets of old must have felt …
The Minor Prophets #9 - Hosea
I remember a time when I thought all those references in the Bible—and the prophecies in particular—to adultery and harlotry were talking about spiritual adultery. The idea was that Israel was married to God, she …
The Minor Prophets #8 - Hosea
Unfortunately, the Biblical prophets don’t write their story like history. I say unfortunately, but that’s strictly from a 20th-century point of view. It’s probably because we aren’t really quite on the right wavelength. Instead, the …
The Minor Prophets #7 - Hosea
I have always said that whenever you see a prophet coming down the road it is almost certainly bad news. Because God doesn’t send us a prophet to tell us how well we are doing. …
The Minor Prophets #6 - Hosea
The Old Testament prophets pose a singular problem for the reader. This is because they are prophets, not seers like Nostradamus. They aren’t there to tell you when things are going to happen off in …
History & Prophecy #6
Many prophecies in the Bible are dual. There can be a type and an anti-type of prophetic events. The type is the first occurrence of any given prophecy and it foreshadows the anti-type, which is …
The Book of Kings #18
All through this period of Kings, there is pattern that develops. The people would fall away, go after idols, and suffer all the results of that. In Judah, though, they would occasionally be led back …
The Book of Hosea #4
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.
The Book of Hosea #3
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.
The Book of Hosea #2
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.
The Book of Hosea #1
An audio Bible study from Rich Glasgow.