It is a small national conceit that Freedom is an American idea. Nor does Freedom owe its origins to the Greeks, either. Freedom is a singular Christian idea. I can say Christian because the roots …
Freedom and the Law
When the framers of our American constitution first gathered, they faced a fundamental question. The question was not merely, Can we create a free republic? The question was, Can we create a free republic that …
God’s Liberty Bell
I remember first seeing the movie The Ten Commandments in the theater over 50 years ago. One of the things I remember from the film was the stentorian voice pronouncing: proclaim liberty throughout all the …
A Beacon of Freedom
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights[.] Declaration of Independence The founding fathers stated in the first official …
The War Against Freedom
What’s really going on in the world? And what is this War on Terror really about. When you get to the basics, what people call terrorism is actually a war against the spread of freedom. …
Power Versus Freedom
If power corrupts (and we know it does) and absolute power corrupts absolutely, how is it that God has not been corrupted? This is one of the old and popular challenges that unbelievers like to …
How Freedom Is Lost
As I watch the way our government is changing, I can’t help thinking back to a time when man enjoyed maximum freedom under God. The story is in the Bible, of all places, and it …
The Law of Liberty
When Israel settled into the promised land, they enjoyed a time of freedom like few people have ever enjoyed in the history of the world. But I don’t think very many people understand or appreciate …
The Lonely God: Chapter 8 – Liberty
Then the serpent said to the woman, You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing …
The Foundation of Freedom
View PostSpiritual and Emotional Freedom
An audio sermon from Neil McIver.
Love Is True Freedom
An audio sermon from Neil McIver.
An audio sermon from Ken Lewis.
True Liberty
An audio sermon from Royce Mitchell.
Called to Liberty
An audio sermon from Ray Cullum.
A New Birth of Freedom
An audio sermon from Jim O’Brien.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
An audio sermon from John Reedy.
Free at Last
An audio sermon from Brent Kern.
Freedom Brings Responsibility
An audio sermon from John Reedy.
A Call to Freedom
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
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