Did Jesus die of a broken heart, or was he brutally and violently killed? Now, you have to understand something about us preacher-types. Sometimes we get carried away with our own rhetoric, and so, in …
The Resurrection Story
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which you also have received, and wherein ye stand, by which ye also are saved if ye keep in memory what I …
Easter or Passover?
There is a fascinating story that links Easter and Passover, and most of the world goes on blissfully unaware of it. Most know that Easter and Passover are in the same general season of the …
Three Days and Three Nights
I love a good mystery. Puzzle solving is a favorite pastime of mine. So perhaps I can be forgiven for saying in a recent radio program that God also loves a mystery. Sometimes of course, …
The Resurrection of Jesus
There is one event upon which all of history turns. It is an event attested well enough that millions of people believe it, and yet vague enough that some do not; although most of those …
Christian Holidays #7
Unless you’ve recently arrived from another planet, you already know that most Christian people believe that Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and he was raised from the dead on Sunday morning. But if you …
A Non-Christian Easter
How much we take for granted. Every year the Easter season comes around with Palm Sunday, followed by Good Friday, followed by Easter Sunday. And each Easter has the sunrise service, new bonnets, Easter eggs, …
From Passover to Easter
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 1 Corinthians 15:20 Occasionally, when I have said that “Easter” is nowhere mentioned in Bible, someone reminds me of …
Christian Holy Days
It was a Sunday morning just like any other Sunday morning. We had just been shown to a table by a sunlit window and were enjoying our first cup of coffee when, without warning, a …