Who owns Palestine? Who actually has the deed to the property? As the old saying goes, possession is nine points of the law, but that doesn’t keep us from asking the important question of the …
The Middle East & Prophecy #2
Who owns the Middle East? Is the real battle going on in the Middle East about who owns the land or about religion? You would think when you hear people talk about land for peace …
The Middle East & Prophecy #3
Who owns Palestine, really? Who does this blood-soaked piece of property belong to? It is an important question, because the whole world seems to realize that the last chapter of man’s troubled history on this …
The Middle East & Prophecy #4
God only knows what’s coming next in the Middle East. I do not mean to be irreverent. I mean, literally, only God knows what is coming next. I guess we can live with that, but …
The Middle East & Prophecy #5
Too often, people open the Bible and try to read the future or interpret the prophecy without first understanding the past, and that’s why we have been talking about who owns the land of Palestine …
The Middle East & Prophecy #6
If you pick up the Bible and start reading in any of the prophets, nearly anywhere, you will almost certainly be reading about the Middle East. Even the prophecies that deal with other nations deal …