A wise man was once asked, What is the most important verse in the Bible? To which he replied, without hesitation, Genesis 1:1. That verse, of course, is this, In the beginning, God created the …
The Book of Genesis #2
There is an indeterminate amount of time between the first and second verse of Genesis 1. Scientists tell us the universe has been around for billions of years, and that is perfectly compatible with what …
The Book of Genesis #3
The Book of Genesis tells us a great deal about God and his divine character. Chapter one is much like a specific purpose statement that sets the stage for the rest of the Bible. And …
The Book of Genesis #4
The Book of Genesis is, essentially, an overview of the life and times of the Patriarchs and their offspring who became known as the Israelites. Their story in the book of Genesis spans about 2,500 …
The Book of Genesis #5
Once Adam and Eve were established in the Garden of Eden, it didn’t take long for Satan to show up on the scene. Satan hated the concept that Adam and Eve were created in the …
The Book of Genesis #6
One might wonder why it’s important for us to know the geneologies of the ancient peoples who lived before and after the flood. But as we study these early chapters of Genesis, it’s important to …
The Book of Genesis #7
We’re told in Psalm 119, Blessed are they who keep his testimonies, and who seek him with all their heart. When we diligently seek him, we learn how we can more effectively love him so …
The Book of Genesis #8
It was 13 years ago today that the twin towers of the World Trade Center were brought down by radical Islamic terrorists, killing nearly 3,000 people. Our world was rocked that day and some think …
The Book of Genesis #9
As we continue to study this first book of the Bible, how can we know if it is true? Isn’t belief in the Bible a matter of faith? Well, yes it is. And it’s faith …
The Book of Genesis #10
Throughout the ages, there have been many deceptions about the Bible meant to dissuade believers from accepting the Word of God as Truth. How can we know what is true and what is not true …
The Book of Genesis #11
The story of Noah’s Ark is one of those compelling accounts that has captured the hearts of children who grew up hearing fascinating Bible stories about the Israelites crossing the Red Sea or Jonah and …
The Book of Genesis #12
If you ever have doubt that God loves us and wants us to enjoy his marvelous creation, just consider the amazing beauty we’re able to behold just by observing our surroundings. The rainbow is but …
The Book of Genesis #13
And then there was Nimrod. Now, here is an ambitious fellow. He was known as the mighty hunter before the Lord in Genesis 10:9 and he was the original founder and builder of the city …
The Book of Genesis #14
Why do we do the things we do? Why do we believe the things we believe? Do we just go along to get along? Isn’t it odd that so many people seldom wonder or question …
The Book of Genesis #15
President Abraham Lincoln stated that, If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide. Sadly and …
The Book of Genesis #16
Human life is precious. Lives matter. All lives matter! Life is a gracious gift of God that no one has the right to take. From the very beginning God instructed man that murder was wrong …
The Book of Genesis #17
In your study of the Bible, don’t you find yourself wondering why so much information was omitted on any given subject? Take, for example, the subject matter of tonight’s study: There were giants in the …
The Book of Genesis #18
As we make our way through this study of the Book of Genesis, we are observing and inspecting historical facts and points of interest that God deemed necessary for everyone to know. It’s safe to …
The Book of Genesis #19
Ah, yes…the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting colder, and the beautiful autumn leaves are falling from the trees. Autumn is in full swing. In just a few weeks the shortest day of …
The Book of Genesis #20
God was very succinct about idol worship when He gave His 10 Commandments and He made it clear that He was a jealous God. In Exodus 20 He said: I am the Lord your God, …
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