When on vacation, celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary, my wife and I happened to notice a magazine article entitled, Marriages That Last (Is Yours One?). That was irresistible under the circumstances. Our marriage seemed to …
The Power to Love
A man can live without food…for a while. He can live on short rations for quite a while. But sooner or later the body withers and dies. We know what it looks like, because we …
Same-Sex Marriage
We don’t have to read beyond the first chapter of the Bible to learn that marriage is, without doubt, the oldest social institution of man. In the New Testament, Jesus acknowledged this—that the purpose of …
The Music of Divorce
For the first time in my life, I am beginning to understand why your kids like that stuff they call music. (I don’t understand why it isn’t music yet, but maybe that’s part of the …
For the Children
At this point, we would do well to stop and ask ourselves why the state has anything to say about marriage at all. Why does the state outlaw polygamy? Why does it regulate divorce? Why …
In Defense of Marriage
Regarding same-sex marriage, a man who would later become Vice President said, It’s going to be something we have to go through as a part of the maturation process of the nation. I agree with …
Controlling Pornography
Is there really such a thing as sexual addiction? Some professional counselors say there is, and some say there isn’t. I don’t know who is right on this issue, but I have a feeling that …
Why Marriage Matters
I was driving by a church one day just as a wedding was ending. The bride and groom had emerged and the crowd was throwing rice (or birdseed) at the happy pair. I momentarily found …
Not-So-Gay Marriage
When God created man, the Bible seems to suggest that he leaned back, evaluated what he had done, and concluded that it was very good, indeed. But on reflection, he sees that it was not …