Eternity is a very long time. They tell us the universe is 15 billion years old, give or take 3 or 4 billion years, but 15 billion years is not eternity. Eternity is longer than …
Making Life Work #2
The core, the really core point about making your life work is figuring out what you want. I started to say it’s the hard part about it, but it isn’t so hard. It’s just something …
Making Life Work #3
Does your life work? I mean, do you really have it all together? Do you have everything lined out in a nice, neat schedule that works for you every day? Are you working at the …
Making Life Work #4
There’s a terrible burden that lays upon man. The world around him can be working perfectly. Everything can be in the right place, there is no immediate tragedy stalking him, everything can be beautiful, and …
Making Life Work #5
So, how is your life working today? Do you have all your ducks in a row? Is everything humming right along and you’re on schedule? Or do you sometimes feel as if the world is …
Making Life Work #6
Better is a poor and wise child, than an old and foolish king that will no longer be admonished. This is one of the saddest things about life—that men of power become foolish. King Solomon …
Making Life Work #7
What sort of decisions do you have coming up today? Do you know what you’re going to do about them? Have you made any preparations (like asking a friend for advice or reading a book …
Making Life Work #8
There’s a hazard built into life that you may not think about that often. When you do wrong, you usually get away with it. It surely seems that you do—especially when no one finds out. …
Making Life Work #9
Are you satisfied with the way your life is working? Chances are you have a mixed answer to that question. Some things are working fine and some things you wish were better. Satisfaction is a …
Making Life Work #10
There’s one very special statement from Ecclesiastes 9 that deserves to be put up on a wall where you can read it every day. It reads: Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with …
Making Life Work #11
When people talk about the laws of success, they often overlook the little laws—the not-so-obvious principals that have so very much with how your life works (or doesn’t work). They are the small principles that …
Making Life Work #12
Okay, you have your life together and everything is working like it’s supposed to. So tell me—why do you feel so uneasy? Why do you feel like something bad is about to happen? What’s the …
Making Life Work #13
I suppose we would all agree that it’s a good thing to be wise. When you face hard decisions, it’s good to be able to decide which way is best. It would be good to …
Making Life Work #14
How long would you like to live? It depends, doesn’t it, on whether that long life is free of hurt and pain and confusion, and instead filled with joy. How would you like to have …
Making Life Work #15
Life is all about challenges, and character is all about meeting those challenges. But the unfortunate thing is that most of us don’t really get a lot of instruction about how to meet them. All …
Making Life Work #16
There are a lot of ways to mess up your life. It’s frightening how easy it is to make one small mistake that carries consequences that last a lifetime. There’s no way to avoid every …
Making Life Work #17
Of all the ways that a man can mess up his life, sex-related problems have to be some of the most likely. Even more so for a woman—in that the consequences for women seem more …
Making Life Work #18
The Proverbs are essentially ideas that grow naturally out of the Law of God. Here we are dealing with one of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible. If you’ll bear with me, I believe …
Making Life Work #19
What father does not take pride in the accomplishments of his son? And what mother does not glow with pride when her daughter is honored for her talents? And what parent does not burn with …
Making Life Work #20
How many times have you gotten yourself into trouble by speaking up when you should have kept your mouth shut? If we’re talking about making life work, the mouth may be the biggest single problem …
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