What I want to tell you today is crucial for both Christian and non-Christian alike. For too long, for generations, Christians have cloaked their faith in church-speak—in jargon that, too often, they don’t even understand. …
The Authentic Jesus #1
There are so many mysteries in the Bible. Yes, it was written in another language and in another culture, and there is much we simply don’t know. But I am not talking about that. I …
The Authentic Jesus #2
Poor Joseph. It is hard to imagine what a shock it was to him when he learned that his betrothed wife was with child. Understand that, in that society, at that time, this was a …
The Resurrection of Jesus
There is one event upon which all of history turns. It is an event attested well enough that millions of people believe it, and yet vague enough that some do not; although most of those …
How Jesus Saves
A Born to Win radio program from Ronald L. Dart.
Jesus and the Jews
Why did the Jews reject Jesus? The apostle Paul seems to have been very troubled about the issue, and he engages in a remarkably frank discussion of the question in his letter to the Romans. …
Jesus and the Oral Law
The Sermon on the Mount is easily the best known of all Jesus’ discourses, probably because every beginning preacher is encouraged by his mentor to speak about that sermon. So even if you don’t read …
The Political Jesus
A Born to Win radio program from Ronald L. Dart.
Jesus and the Last Days
Predicting what is going to happen next in the Middle East is a fool’s game…or maybe perhaps a prophet’s task. Not being a prophet, and trying not to be a fool, it still seems necessary …
Was Jesus Married?
As a member of the public, you should never, never, take biblical scholarship too seriously. You can only do that if you are a scholar yourself, and carry not only the training but the responsibility …
The Imitation of Christ
There’s a funny thing about people. We seem to have a need to conform to something or someone. Children, for example, are great imitators; it is how they learn. One day I was walking across …
The Lion of Judah
In the book of Revelation, Jesus is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Someone recently noted that this Lion of Judah is not a tame lion. Which led me to ponder what we …