You Must Not Be Afraid / Advice from God


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You Must Not Be Afraid – Many people today have succumbed to that slow, creeping dread that robs you of sleep at night. It’s being fed by the leading politicians who clearly have no idea what to do to correct our situation. Are we entering a new era in the world? What is coming next? Biblical prophecy’s primary purpose is to tell us who and why. Ronald L. Dart explores what the Bible can tell us about how we have departed from the way of God and what impact that departure is having on our economic situation. Does a God-fearing man need to be afraid of what the future holds? Learn what specific assurances God gives to you.

This program is also available in the Christians in Winter series.

Advice from God – Immigrant populations in the United States and in virtually all European nations are rising, and some are increasingly violent. Islam has been one of the most violent. Yet American and European tolerance has become an agent for the penetration of those societies of Islamic intolerance, in the words of a leading leftist intellectual. In this session, Ronald L. Dart explores the dangers of multiculturalism and explains what the Bible has to say about it. You may be surprised that an issue of such immediate and modern concern is actually set out in the pages of your Bible!

This program is also available in the Sword of Islam series.