What Teens Believe / Children of Violence


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What Teens Believe – Kids today are taking greater interest in religion. But they don’t know what religion is about. They seem to accept that God is whoever, whatever works for you—one thing to one person, something else to another. Where is this belief going to lead them? What about the responsibility of the older generation to pass on its wisdom to the younger? God says he has placed eternity in the hearts of men. What will happen to our children if we leave them to decide for themselves what to believe, without any guidance at all?

This program is also available in the Forgotten Children series.

Children of Violence – Is our society creating mixed up, violent people who hurt others? How is our acceptance of violence affecting our children? Where did we go wrong? In the time of the Apostle Paul, the leaders of society decided that God did not exist. We are doing the same thing today. But without God, how can we tell our children that any behavior is wrong? Our children are left without any internal moral compass—right and wrong are what we say they are. So what is to prevent our children from doing the same? What does God promise he will do if we forget him?

This program is also available in the Forgotten Children series.