The Fruit of Envy / The Death Penalty


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The Fruit of Envy – There is a sin you need to know about that you don’t exactly do. It’s covered in the Tenth Commandment: “Thou shalt not covet.” In the list of the seven deadly sins, it is called Envy. Os Guiness said, “Because Envy is congenitally incapable of enjoyment, the more its appetite increases, the more it drives its perpetrator toward torment.” “The face of Envy is never lovely. It is never even faintly pleasant” says journalist Henry Fairlie. Is there anything more utterly futile than Envy? The saddest thing about Envy is that men so rarely ever confess it or forsake it. Envy is not a trivial sin. It characterizes our society. Learn what you can do about it.

The Death Penalty – When a murderer is executed, why do the media give hardly any details about what he did? It’s incredible how some people can muster so much sympathy for the murderer and forget altogether the victim and his family. Should you take pleasure in the execution of a murderer? How does God look at it? Isn’t human life sacred? Isn’t it just as wrong to execute a murderer as it was for the murderer to kill? The message in this broadcast will give you sound biblical answers to those questions and more.