Behold the Lamb of God / Easter or Passover?
Behold the Lamb of God – John the Baptist saw Jesus walking towards him on the bank of the Jordan River and said, “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.” The people knew what a sacrificial lamb was. And they even knew what the Passover lamb was. But there was nothing in the culture of the Jews that connected a man as a sin offering. Salvation was of the Jews, for the Jews, and by the Jews. It was purely a matter of their God, and their God was not your God. So what did the people think when John said this? The Passover Lamb is for everyone and not just for the Jews. To expand your understanding of the Bible, it’s worth following the thread that is laid out in this message.
Easter or Passover? – There is a fascinating story that links Easter and Passover, and most of the world goes on blissfully unaware of it. Most know that Easter and Passover are in the same general season of the year, sometimes on the same weekend, sometimes diverging. But what most don’t realize is that the Christian observance of Easter actually arose directly from the Passover. No, I don’t mean from the resurrection. How on earth did this happen? And on a related question, how did colored eggs and Easter bunnies become connected to the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus? Get this message to answer these questions.