A Beacon of Freedom / The Gospel of Matthew #1
A Beacon of Freedom – There were only 40 democracies in the world in 1970. By the end of 1989 the Soviet Union had collapsed. As the 20th century ended, there were 120 democracies. What would the world be like if the U.S. had been isolationists and told the world to look out for themselves? Free nations grow stronger while others grow weaker. President Bush said, “Liberty is the plan of heaven for humanity. The advance of freedom is the calling of our time. It is the calling of our country.” What does the Bible say about this?
This program is also available in the series Let Freedom Ring.
The Gospel of Matthew #1 – The Book of Matthew is probably very familiar to you. But let’s approach it as an unfamiliar book so we won’t fail to see things as they really are. Take the title. It’s the Gospel According to Matthew. None of the Four Gospels purports to be “The Gospel of Jesus Christ.” “According to” says it’s his version — his story. He was a witness passing on his testimony. There were 12 official witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. This is the first broadcast in the series. Get this one, and you’ll want the remaining broadcasts to take you deeper into this Gospel.
The Gospel of Matthew series is also available on (CD and MP3-CD).