206 |
A Beautiful Life |
7 |
28 |
212,213 |
65.40 |
100.00 |
04:24 AM |
x |
45,668 |
A-Beautiful-Life |
x |
x |
82bbb09e-c49c-45cd-b6b4-5f5dbb96e267 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/82bbb09e-c49c-45cd-b6b4-5f5dbb96e267 |
x |
c82a43df-15cb-440a-8e72-d516175719c4 |
[206] A Beautiful Life |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_A-Beautiful-Life.pdf |
speech intro is clipped |
C Maj |
137 |
A Child of the King |
5 |
18 |
140 |
73.10 |
100.00 |
02:23 AM |
x |
45,669 |
A-Child-of-the-King |
x |
x |
306f1dda-7f7a-4625-9937-7d5259c8b2ff |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/306f1dda-7f7a-4625-9937-7d5259c8b2ff |
x |
bd60e360-846d-4290-9639-84d0693ea4c6 |
[137] A Child of the King |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_A-Child-of-the-King.pdf |
D# Maj |
D# Maj |
138 |
A Christian Home |
5 |
19 |
141 |
87.40 |
100.00 |
x |
45,670 |
A-Christian-Home |
x |
x |
a0f6adcc-118f-4498-9277-138c2300df2a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a0f6adcc-118f-4498-9277-138c2300df2a |
x |
b46aa8db-89c6-47ea-8fda-b93618756460 |
[138] A Christian Home |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_A-Christian-Home.pdf |
D# Maj |
4 |
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God |
1 |
4 |
6 |
92.90 |
100.00 |
02:51 AM |
x |
29,935 |
A-Mighty-Fortress-Is-Our-God |
x |
x |
47b6576d-953f-4d9e-a254-80b6063cf84d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/47b6576d-953f-4d9e-a254-80b6063cf84d |
x |
0b655a7c-c9b6-4bb7-83e5-0611f67603d9 |
[4] A Mighty Fortress Is Our God |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_A-Mighty-Fortress-Is-Our-God.pdf |
C Maj |
C Maj |
57 |
Abide with Me |
2 |
27 |
59 |
68.20 |
100.00 |
02:58 AM |
x |
45,671 |
Abide-with-Me |
x |
x |
059fae39-f393-4d05-af74-6ccaebf2d3e9 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/059fae39-f393-4d05-af74-6ccaebf2d3e9 |
x |
a4959ebf-35a5-426e-aa0e-d2d62eeccd73 |
[57] Abide with Me |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Abide-with-Me.pdf |
lowercase 4-letter prop. |
D# Maj |
D# Maj |
104 |
Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed |
4 |
15 |
104 |
70.30 |
100.00 |
02:27 AM |
x |
10,360 |
Alas-and-Did-My-Savior-Bleed |
x |
x |
6f8f07db-ea58-4bef-8e1e-ebbd963558fd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/6f8f07db-ea58-4bef-8e1e-ebbd963558fd |
x |
04c5711f-0e15-45fa-a13c-9d63ac29703b |
[104] Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Alas-and-Did-My-Savior-Bleed.pdf |
c min |
c min |
1 |
All Hail the Power |
1 |
1 |
3 |
92.80 |
100.00 |
02:03 AM |
x |
29,936 |
All-Hail-the-Power |
x |
x |
3da8ae0f-bdbe-4f60-a100-49db5e87cb06 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/3da8ae0f-bdbe-4f60-a100-49db5e87cb06 |
x |
d4df3f11-fd5f-4c20-956e-0da1d768539c |
[1] All Hail the Power |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_All-Hail-the-Power.pdf |
made an audio edit of 4 verses to match text |
Verses 1–3, Edward Perronet, 1779, 1780; Verse 4, John Rippon, 1787 |
Oliver Holden, 1793 |
D Maj |
D Maj |
92 |
All People That On Earth Do Dwell |
4 |
3 |
94 |
74.00 |
99.90 |
x |
45,673 |
All-People-That-On-Earth-Do-Dwell |
x |
x |
a88b1115-926b-45e2-b670-646f30a0f20a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a88b1115-926b-45e2-b670-646f30a0f20a |
x |
2d252b25-8c84-48ec-9902-90953d1a1b22 |
[92] All People That On Earth Do Dwell |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_All-People-That-On-Earth-Do-Dwell.pdf |
"on" to lower |
G Maj |
G Maj |
186 |
All the Way My Savior Leads Me |
7 |
8 |
190,191 |
71.70 |
100.00 |
x |
45,674 |
All-the-Way-My-Savior-Leads-Me |
x |
x |
e26577cd-1864-47a7-9cfd-c8ba7dcf4aa1 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e26577cd-1864-47a7-9cfd-c8ba7dcf4aa1 |
x |
632a2fca-2676-4c08-abdb-721cf98aac0f |
[186] All the Way My Savior Leads Me |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_All-the-Way-My-Savior-Leads-Me.pdf |
c min |
D# Maj |
198 |
All Things Are Thine, No Gift Have We |
7 |
20 |
203 |
78.00 |
100.00 |
02:12 AM |
x |
45,675 |
All-Things-Are-Thine-No-Gift-Have-We |
x |
x |
ac627c3a-d5bd-420d-a104-2a40374a3cbe |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/ac627c3a-d5bd-420d-a104-2a40374a3cbe |
x |
47d3f22d-e26e-415d-a36b-c24c9f410101 |
[198] All Things Are Thine, No Gift Have We |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_All-Things-Are-Thine-No-Gift-Have-We.pdf |
A# Maj |
A# Maj |
106 |
Amazing Grace |
4 |
17 |
105 |
56.60 |
99.90 |
x |
10,357 |
Amazing-Grace |
x |
x |
c5111909-e4a0-43f5-8b9d-0847efc416f5 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c5111909-e4a0-43f5-8b9d-0847efc416f5 |
x |
24b0de34-4513-4fdf-9b20-459600998f8b |
[106] Amazing Grace |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Amazing-Grace.pdf |
b min |
153 |
America, the Beautiful |
6 |
4 |
157 |
99.20 |
100.00 |
02:53 AM |
x |
45,677 |
America-the-Beautiful |
x |
x |
d53ddc4b-1a59-48a0-8f8c-cfdc803ec4fd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d53ddc4b-1a59-48a0-8f8c-cfdc803ec4fd |
x |
ada160b8-5326-400d-ba3f-c21758383fcd |
[153] America, the Beautiful |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_America-the-Beautiful.pdf |
comma usage |
G Maj |
94 |
At Calvary |
4 |
5 |
95 |
80.10 |
100.00 |
x |
45,667 |
At-Calvary |
x |
x |
04b1fb69-f564-473a-85fa-e9311e5d1b95 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/04b1fb69-f564-473a-85fa-e9311e5d1b95 |
x |
80f66d32-e828-4aad-a942-07fa72554c3d |
[94] At Calvary |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_At-Calvary.pdf |
C Maj |
12 |
Battle Hymn of the Republic |
1 |
12 |
1,415 |
91.00 |
100.00 |
02:27 AM |
x |
29,937 |
Battle-Hymn-of-the-Republic |
x |
x |
52c6bdc9-caf0-482f-a526-dfc0822fc178 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/52c6bdc9-caf0-482f-a526-dfc0822fc178 |
x |
a68a83bf-959d-465f-ac31-7ee92a2708de |
[12] Battle Hymn of the Republic |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Battle-Hymn-of-the-Republic.pdf |
A# Maj |
70 |
Be Still, My Soul |
3 |
10 |
71 |
88.10 |
100.00 |
02:56 AM |
x |
45,678 |
Be-Still-My-Soul |
x |
x |
3ca8f266-a660-4d9f-94d8-5a3ca1caf27c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/3ca8f266-a660-4d9f-94d8-5a3ca1caf27c |
x |
02bc5e93-83fd-4b14-a04a-cc7b5f33776e |
[70] Be Still, My Soul |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Be-Still-My-Soul.pdf |
F Maj |
120 |
Be Thou My Vision |
5 |
1 |
122 |
54.90 |
100.00 |
02:02 AM |
x |
45,679 |
Be-Thou-My-Vision |
x |
x |
dab188cf-053b-4243-9ddb-16e01ec12952 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/dab188cf-053b-4243-9ddb-16e01ec12952 |
x |
f077a3f9-5a5f-4e94-8bb7-f1c02e56d048 |
[120] Be Thou My Vision |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Be-Thou-My-Vision.pdf |
D# Maj |
91 |
Because He Lives |
4 |
2 |
9,293 |
71.70 |
100.00 |
x |
45,680 |
Because-He-Lives |
x |
x |
88086712-a61e-4393-afc3-f2e97a1cb706 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/88086712-a61e-4393-afc3-f2e97a1cb706 |
x |
500f07ad-e9fa-4434-87b9-f19e36ad7cd3 |
[91] Because He Lives |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Because-He-Lives.pdf |
G# Maj |
88 |
Because I Knew Not When |
3 |
28 |
89 |
67.60 |
100.00 |
x |
45,681 |
Because-I-Knew-Not-When |
x |
x |
d73b197c-f7c9-42fc-bbad-f96320982e04 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d73b197c-f7c9-42fc-bbad-f96320982e04 |
x |
764d912e-ab38-4445-992d-80d9137139d8 |
[88] Because I Knew Not When |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Because-I-Knew-Not-When.pdf |
c min |
46 |
Blessed Assurance |
2 |
16 |
48 |
93.50 |
99.90 |
02:24 AM |
x |
45,682 |
Blessed-Assurance |
x |
x |
7e1fe86f-7ec8-4d4a-9b37-5c1c8da291d7 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7e1fe86f-7ec8-4d4a-9b37-5c1c8da291d7 |
x |
b0de3ef3-0e8f-405f-b068-83587d098888 |
[46] Blessed Assurance |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Blessed-Assurance.pdf |
D Maj |
6 |
Blessed Be the Name |
1 |
6 |
8 |
78.70 |
100.00 |
02:42 AM |
x |
29,938 |
Blessed-Be-the-Name |
x |
x |
421e5f10-c996-4b6b-b1c8-8b3b340843e3 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/421e5f10-c996-4b6b-b1c8-8b3b340843e3 |
x |
548b8449-0c3c-40dd-944b-e29ca09bd3b7 |
[6] Blessed Be the Name |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Blessed-Be-the-Name.pdf |
c min |
183 |
Blest Be the Tie That Binds |
7 |
5 |
187 |
60.00 |
100.00 |
01:40 AM |
x |
45,683 |
Blest-Be-the-Tie-That-Binds |
x |
x |
9ec94412-f2d5-48a4-8604-73a5e8e0314d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/9ec94412-f2d5-48a4-8604-73a5e8e0314d |
x |
875cbd2b-c039-4e8f-8a3e-1fcc1de052f3 |
[183] Blest Be the Tie That Binds |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Blest-Be-the-Tie-That-Binds.pdf |
F Maj |
118 |
Break Thou the Bread of Life |
4 |
29 |
119 |
70.70 |
100.00 |
02:33 AM |
x |
45,684 |
Break-Thou-the-Bread-of-Life |
x |
x |
dc59f430-0052-49c0-9577-bc9959258851 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/dc59f430-0052-49c0-9577-bc9959258851 |
x |
1b3e95a9-b87a-4338-b259-742b5bd1b45b |
[118] Break Thou the Bread of Life |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Break-Thou-the-Bread-of-Life.pdf |
A# Maj |
105 |
Breathe on Me, Breath of God |
4 |
16 |
104 |
67.70 |
100.00 |
02:07 AM |
x |
45,685 |
Breathe-on-Me-Breath-of-God |
x |
x |
5dfe3dde-8e45-44d1-bd2f-03d87f0cb625 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5dfe3dde-8e45-44d1-bd2f-03d87f0cb625 |
x |
1b97f57b-1d27-4f9c-8ea9-de1b060acb7e |
[105] Breathe on Me, Breath of God |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Breathe-on-Me-Breath-of-God.pdf |
F Maj |
35 |
Bringing in the Sheaves |
2 |
5 |
37 |
94.60 |
100.00 |
02:20 AM |
x |
45,686 |
Bringing-in-the-Sheaves |
x |
x |
1541c6fa-afff-46f0-98e9-c946a02ecdac |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/1541c6fa-afff-46f0-98e9-c946a02ecdac |
x |
93d9df07-f124-47db-9a26-6988bd843093 |
[35] Bringing in the Sheaves |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Bringing-in-the-Sheaves.pdf |
C Maj |
36 |
Christ Arose |
2 |
6 |
38 |
89.20 |
99.90 |
02:42 AM |
x |
45,687 |
Christ-Arose |
x |
x |
01063452-a1ad-4fa0-9c74-50aabc06debe |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/01063452-a1ad-4fa0-9c74-50aabc06debe |
x |
c81257e3-d0df-499d-8f04-def6634287a0 |
[36] Christ Arose |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Christ-Arose.pdf |
C Maj |
29 |
Christ Is Coming |
1 |
29 |
31 |
93.90 |
100.00 |
03:04 AM |
x |
29,934 |
Christ-Is-Coming |
x |
x |
835bc470-995c-4896-b54f-1eb757b363bf |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/835bc470-995c-4896-b54f-1eb757b363bf |
x |
53357bdd-7146-4cfd-9d17-a2fa28525ecb |
[29] Christ Is Coming |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Christ-Is-Coming.pdf |
top of page is clipped |
d min |
31 |
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation |
2 |
1 |
33 |
94.50 |
100.00 |
01:57 AM |
x |
45,688 |
Christ-Is-Made-the-Sure-Foundation |
x |
x |
4d664b35-5c40-487a-ac3d-58f66b8d0b6a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4d664b35-5c40-487a-ac3d-58f66b8d0b6a |
x |
34b07ed3-dfd6-48f2-b92b-05eb9e4ff06c |
[31] Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Christ-Is-Made-the-Sure-Foundation.pdf |
A# Maj |
7 |
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today |
1 |
7 |
9 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
02:59 AM |
x |
29,940 |
Christ-the-Lord-Is-Risen-Today |
x |
x |
2a3c44be-0214-4dc3-9272-16cbb167886c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2a3c44be-0214-4dc3-9272-16cbb167886c |
x |
ff390b8e-7c06-4e12-ae7b-6d5667e05b21 |
[7] Christ the Lord Is Risen Today |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Christ-the-Lord-Is-Risen-Today.pdf |
C Maj |
76 |
Cleanse Me |
3 |
16 |
77 |
56.10 |
100.00 |
x |
45,689 |
Cleanse-Me |
x |
x |
2b823b60-8e58-4fe9-8a5f-c1d5444f58b0 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2b823b60-8e58-4fe9-8a5f-c1d5444f58b0 |
x |
44e352ae-1b15-422b-a943-678b870c857e |
[76] Cleanse Me |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Cleanse-Me.pdf |
F Maj |
143 |
Come to the Feast |
5 |
24 |
146 |
53.20 |
100.00 |
02:26 AM |
x |
45,691 |
Come-to-the-Feast |
x |
x |
a1a8fbb2-29d2-4142-9414-86f659495bef |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a1a8fbb2-29d2-4142-9414-86f659495bef |
x |
d337257c-0d24-45ad-8d28-de834f0b6257 |
[143] Come to the Feast |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Come-to-the-Feast.pdf |
was out of order in index |
A# Maj |
3 |
Come, Thou Almighty King |
1 |
3 |
5 |
96.20 |
100.00 |
x |
29,941 |
Come-Thou-Almighty-King |
x |
x |
b093ce14-2558-4fff-ba1b-83b2b14dc8d9 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b093ce14-2558-4fff-ba1b-83b2b14dc8d9 |
x |
79260b27-846e-45cc-afd9-1f1bab0b59cb |
[3] Come, Thou Almighty King |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Come-Thou-Almighty-King.pdf |
wrong comma placement after Thou? (Yes. Moving) |
D Maj |
8 |
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing |
1 |
8 |
10 |
95.60 |
100.00 |
02:02 AM |
x |
29,942 |
Come-Thou-Fount-of-Every-Blessing |
x |
x |
6c7d79ec-366f-43eb-bff4-9d5e8d525f3a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/6c7d79ec-366f-43eb-bff4-9d5e8d525f3a |
x |
69295309-e8e4-4c3a-9558-aee00096d415 |
[8] Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Come-Thou-Fount-of-Every-Blessing.pdf |
extra comma after Thou? (Yes. Removing.) |
D Maj |
124 |
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus |
5 |
5 |
126,127 |
66.90 |
100.00 |
02:53 AM |
x |
53,438 |
Come-Thou-Long-Expected-Jesus |
x |
x |
526ed5a5-72f8-49bc-86dc-664af5392915 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/526ed5a5-72f8-49bc-86dc-664af5392915 |
x |
6f84e269-220a-4234-a548-3cdc9c84d138 |
[124] Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Come-Thou-Long-Expected-Jesus.pdf |
a min |
139 |
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come |
5 |
20 |
142 |
89.50 |
100.00 |
02:00 AM |
x |
45,692 |
Come-Ye-Thankful-People-Come |
x |
x |
eb838e87-11ce-4576-abab-9bc56a9cad4e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/eb838e87-11ce-4576-abab-9bc56a9cad4e |
x |
97e24ad7-d332-47b9-9915-5b9f6e54c9ee |
[139] Come, Ye Thankful People, Come |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Come-Ye-Thankful-People-Come.pdf |
D Maj |
44 |
Count Your Blessings |
2 |
14 |
4,647 |
65.10 |
100.00 |
x |
45,693 |
Count-Your-Blessings |
x |
x |
edbed7a9-3d30-437f-80d3-56c8ef97e2cd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/edbed7a9-3d30-437f-80d3-56c8ef97e2cd |
x |
a1d5b34b-b2e0-43c0-a8aa-b8907488dc43 |
[44] Count Your Blessings |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Count-Your-Blessings.pdf |
A# Maj |
9 |
Crown Him With Many Crowns |
1 |
9 |
11 |
86.30 |
100.00 |
02:38 AM |
x |
29,943 |
Crown-Him-With-Many-Crowns |
x |
x |
f7251613-a859-4dc0-829c-d83947ca0ecd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f7251613-a859-4dc0-829c-d83947ca0ecd |
x |
f52ad430-c880-47ad-9199-5aafd8be2978 |
[9] Crown Him With Many Crowns |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Crown-Him-With-Many-Crowns.pdf |
uppercase 4-letter prop. |
D Maj |
34 |
Day by Day |
2 |
4 |
36 |
72.80 |
99.90 |
02:39 AM |
x |
45,694 |
Day-by-Day |
x |
x |
33a9514b-24a8-4a3e-bb29-2400872ec47c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/33a9514b-24a8-4a3e-bb29-2400872ec47c |
x |
92ccbd55-d568-4a91-bca5-00995809d1bf |
[34] Day by Day |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Day-by-Day.pdf |
D Maj |
167 |
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind |
6 |
18 |
172 |
58.00 |
100.00 |
02:05 AM |
x |
45,695 |
Dear-Lord-and-Father-of-Mankind |
x |
x |
b2f1e542-b594-40b2-8f8f-2d6aeedda423 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b2f1e542-b594-40b2-8f8f-2d6aeedda423 |
x |
3f942817-84a4-4402-acf9-c6f23a963b89 |
[167] Dear Lord and Father of Mankind |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Dear-Lord-and-Father-of-Mankind.pdf |
C Maj |
170 |
Did You Think to Pray? |
6 |
21 |
175 |
49.30 |
100.00 |
02:55 AM |
x |
45,696 |
Did-You-Think-to-Pray |
x |
x |
b22ab48f-e846-4e10-a5ea-0913fe09a037 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b22ab48f-e846-4e10-a5ea-0913fe09a037 |
x |
1b524390-3a64-4fdf-a063-462d8b4fa17a |
[170] Did You Think to Pray? |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Did-You-Think-to-Pray.pdf |
a min |
10 |
Eternal Father, Strong to Save |
1 |
10 |
12 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
02:49 AM |
x |
29,944 |
Eternal-Father-Strong-to-Save |
x |
x |
b62e06e9-6d20-4e28-9df3-ce2e308f4957 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b62e06e9-6d20-4e28-9df3-ce2e308f4957 |
x |
b6487bd5-872f-4294-800d-c2e4ad63b0df |
[10] Eternal Father, Strong to Save |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Eternal-Father-Strong-to-Save.pdf |
C Maj |
126 |
Face to Face |
5 |
7 |
128 |
55.60 |
100.00 |
02:58 AM |
x |
45,697 |
Face-to-Face |
x |
x |
abbec7da-3492-4aea-bee4-a744167504a2 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/abbec7da-3492-4aea-bee4-a744167504a2 |
x |
43351ee5-5385-4d14-9319-924ea09a64d3 |
[126] Face to Face |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Face-to-Face.pdf |
103 |
A# Maj |
A# Maj |
49 |
Fairest Lord Jesus |
2 |
19 |
51 |
69.00 |
100.00 |
02:42 AM |
x |
45,698 |
Fairest-Lord-Jesus |
x |
x |
e0a8af20-36ab-4120-a659-f8126f07b575 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e0a8af20-36ab-4120-a659-f8126f07b575 |
x |
3718c0b6-e9bd-489b-bbb3-f2d6959d2ba9 |
[49] Fairest Lord Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Fairest-Lord-Jesus.pdf |
a min |
a min |
71 |
Faith of Our Fathers |
3 |
11 |
72 |
60.40 |
100.00 |
02:09 AM |
x |
45,699 |
Faith-of-Our-Fathers |
x |
x |
4a9a9524-c852-4da6-beee-53a86fb71417 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4a9a9524-c852-4da6-beee-53a86fb71417 |
x |
d6611d6f-a7bb-4e08-b5f1-73a95811d808 |
[71] Faith of Our Fathers |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Faith-of-Our-Fathers.pdf |
G Maj |
G Maj |
169 |
Farther Along |
6 |
20 |
174 |
57.70 |
99.90 |
x |
45,700 |
Farther-Along |
x |
x |
93f93f5d-46d5-456f-ad31-d5ba6e801330 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/93f93f5d-46d5-456f-ad31-d5ba6e801330 |
x |
d2adb504-c3b6-46f6-904e-37a987655ede |
[169] Farther Along |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Farther-Along.pdf |
176 |
Footsteps of Jesus |
6 |
27 |
181 |
63.50 |
100.00 |
02:27 AM |
x |
45,701 |
Footsteps-of-Jesus |
x |
x |
add2db52-140a-4d8d-8ea2-5c0da36fd7fb |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/add2db52-140a-4d8d-8ea2-5c0da36fd7fb |
x |
846b55ec-f29f-4313-9218-8c0ee073a1cd |
[176] Footsteps of Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Footsteps-of-Jesus.pdf |
D# Maj |
D# Maj |
79 |
For the Beauty of the Earth |
3 |
19 |
80 |
71.40 |
100.00 |
02:40 AM |
x |
45,702 |
For-the-Beauty-of-the-Earth |
x |
x |
b9b0accc-3219-45e8-bebf-ace6f32b2d76 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b9b0accc-3219-45e8-bebf-ace6f32b2d76 |
x |
63f3633e-074c-401d-8635-d4883f0e1ab4 |
[79] For the Beauty of the Earth |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_For-the-Beauty-of-the-Earth.pdf |
G Maj |
G Maj |
32 |
From All That Dwell Below the Skies |
2 |
2 |
34 |
80.40 |
99.90 |
x |
45,703 |
From-All-That-Dwell-Below-the-Skies |
x |
x |
3ec5da6a-8a5e-49a6-a60a-a040c3574ef6 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/3ec5da6a-8a5e-49a6-a60a-a040c3574ef6 |
x |
11f733de-3740-4262-89aa-98be7b9898d1 |
[32] From All That Dwell Below the Skies |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_From-All-That-Dwell-Below-the-Skies.pdf |
D# Maj |
147 |
Give of Your Best to the Master |
5 |
28 |
150 |
61.00 |
100.00 |
03:15 AM |
x |
45,704 |
Give-of-Your-Best-to-the-Master |
x |
x |
7917faff-bbef-454e-b9f8-24ec40e52f31 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7917faff-bbef-454e-b9f8-24ec40e52f31 |
x |
ad354cc1-7b89-4739-add2-6c6153e4aacd |
[147] Give of Your Best to the Master |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Give-of-Your-Best-to-the-Master.pdf |
D# Maj |
2 |
Glorious Is Thy Name |
1 |
2 |
4 |
87.20 |
100.00 |
03:42 AM |
x |
29,945 |
Glorious-Is-Thy-Name |
x |
x |
5cd22b23-ffa8-4c82-903c-f3e730f659bf |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5cd22b23-ffa8-4c82-903c-f3e730f659bf |
x |
aeac4bff-bc3d-4693-b84c-840dcc3ec3e1 |
[2] Glorious Is Thy Name |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Glorious-Is-Thy-Name.pdf |
83 |
Glorious Is Thy Name Most Holy |
3 |
23 |
84 |
56.90 |
100.00 |
02:48 AM |
x |
45,705 |
Glorious-Is-Thy-Name-Most-Holy |
x |
x |
f20e9966-fcdf-484f-bada-2180eb30c16e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f20e9966-fcdf-484f-bada-2180eb30c16e |
x |
cc06e90b-de2e-43fb-b498-f6562621100d |
[83] Glorious Is Thy Name Most Holy |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Glorious-Is-Thy-Name-Most-Holy.pdf |
D Maj |
D Maj |
109 |
Go to Dark Gethsemane |
4 |
20 |
109 |
60.10 |
100.00 |
x |
10,362 |
Go-to-Dark-Gethsemane |
x |
x |
cfb6cec9-9f2f-482b-95ed-29d7e5373b51 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/cfb6cec9-9f2f-482b-95ed-29d7e5373b51 |
x |
6ec922a9-ef81-496c-b3af-5c452530b718 |
[109] Go to Dark Gethsemane |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Go-to-Dark-Gethsemane.pdf |
D# Maj |
200 |
God Be with You |
7 |
22 |
205 |
78.10 |
100.00 |
03:34 AM |
x |
45,706 |
God-Be-with-You |
x |
x |
e7aafcb7-424d-4726-af87-4c706651b418 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e7aafcb7-424d-4726-af87-4c706651b418 |
x |
cfc69ea9-5777-4095-8af0-e48554d79251 |
[200] God Be with You |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_God-Be-with-You.pdf |
lowercase 4-letter prop. |
C# Maj |
85 |
God of Grace and God of Glory |
3 |
25 |
86 |
78.30 |
99.90 |
02:45 AM |
x |
45,707 |
God-of-Grace-and-God-of-Glory |
x |
x |
a7b6e2e4-b0d6-4fa0-90dd-9eef805525a0 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a7b6e2e4-b0d6-4fa0-90dd-9eef805525a0 |
x |
c6c1613f-d6fc-4b7d-81fb-f1c8d0fbf944 |
[85] God of Grace and God of Glory |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_God-of-Grace-and-God-of-Glory.pdf |
D Maj |
D Maj |
11 |
God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand |
1 |
11 |
13 |
88.00 |
100.00 |
02:47 AM |
x |
29,939 |
God-of-Our-Fathers-Whose-Almighty-Hand |
x |
x |
4bc14b6e-4524-4508-9a4f-a716cef3af18 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4bc14b6e-4524-4508-9a4f-a716cef3af18 |
x |
c479f5da-6dbd-4bf1-9255-e3c840023940 |
[11] God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_God-of-Our-Fathers-Whose-Almighty-Hand.pdf |
A# Maj |
69 |
God Will Take Care of You |
3 |
9 |
70 |
77.20 |
100.00 |
02:49 AM |
x |
45,708 |
God-Will-Take-Care-of-You |
x |
x |
6b99827e-64af-422c-b4db-b3104fc82b0f |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/6b99827e-64af-422c-b4db-b3104fc82b0f |
x |
c2e02fe9-542d-4194-b297-5fd388b8fe42 |
[69] God Will Take Care of You |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_God-Will-Take-Care-of-You.pdf |
A# Maj |
A# Maj |
73 |
Great Is Thy Faithfulness |
3 |
13 |
7,475 |
76.40 |
100.00 |
03:13 AM |
x |
45,709 |
Great-Is-Thy-Faithfulness |
x |
x |
f3f8c037-568d-4799-a3fe-15fd997ece5e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f3f8c037-568d-4799-a3fe-15fd997ece5e |
x |
d6e28812-135d-49b4-bf57-e2f47d4ff427 |
[73] Great Is Thy Faithfulness |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Great-Is-Thy-Faithfulness.pdf |
A Maj |
14 |
Guide Me, O Thou Great Eternal |
1 |
14 |
16 |
87.90 |
99.90 |
02:18 AM |
x |
29,947 |
Guide-Me-O-Thou-Great-Eternal |
x |
x |
0ff18ecb-9e70-48ed-8ff9-aa0c88a1dcbd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/0ff18ecb-9e70-48ed-8ff9-aa0c88a1dcbd |
x |
8f3e92f9-eabb-4eb6-aec7-f4e301ef5d87 |
[14] Guide Me, O Thou Great Eternal |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Guide-Me-O-Thou-Great-Eternal.pdf |
D Maj |
141 |
Hark, The Sound of Holy Voices |
5 |
22 |
144 |
45.40 |
99.90 |
03:11 AM |
x |
45,710 |
Hark-The-Sound-of-Holy-Voices |
x |
x |
18215d26-5e0c-41f1-bc02-296f7b7830d9 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/18215d26-5e0c-41f1-bc02-296f7b7830d9 |
x |
c8ecb9f4-cff5-40d7-92f0-ae726392b164 |
[141] Hark, The Sound of Holy Voices |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Hark-The-Sound-of-Holy-Voices.pdf |
cap. The?; Exclamation? |
G Maj |
97 |
Have Thine Own Way, Lord! |
4 |
8 |
98 |
51.60 |
100.00 |
02:07 AM |
x |
45,711 |
Have-Thine-Own-Way-Lord |
x |
x |
f9c6e5fc-c475-4816-8a8b-c1deca453923 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f9c6e5fc-c475-4816-8a8b-c1deca453923 |
x |
e7c6e1b4-1a16-4fdc-b7f4-7f1f5e578a18 |
[97] Have Thine Own Way, Lord! |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Have-Thine-Own-Way-Lord.pdf |
D# Maj |
128 |
He Hideth My Soul |
5 |
9 |
130,131 |
62.50 |
100.00 |
03:17 AM |
x |
45,712 |
He-Hideth-My-Soul |
x |
x |
07c7b78e-2b04-48d2-9236-077e60c30aa7 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/07c7b78e-2b04-48d2-9236-077e60c30aa7 |
x |
54a50f0d-af77-4a5d-b3e7-d540ddee910c |
[128] He Hideth My Soul |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_He-Hideth-My-Soul.pdf |
72 |
He Is Able to Deliver Thee |
3 |
12 |
73 |
77.50 |
100.00 |
02:12 AM |
x |
45,713 |
He-Is-Able-to-Deliver-Thee |
x |
x |
639d852e-63b5-4fda-a4eb-40feaeb5ed43 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/639d852e-63b5-4fda-a4eb-40feaeb5ed43 |
x |
c6321706-85de-487f-b8cf-6bd51f2e01f2 |
[72] He Is Able to Deliver Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_He-Is-Able-to-Deliver-Thee.pdf |
A# Maj |
207 |
He Is Lord |
7 |
29 |
213 |
52.10 |
100.00 |
12:53 AM |
x |
45,714 |
He-Is-Lord |
x |
x |
b1368247-2e8b-4aaf-aeb2-b17862cfbb6a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b1368247-2e8b-4aaf-aeb2-b17862cfbb6a |
x |
b79e54a2-597e-45c6-bba4-095fc75b420d |
[207] He Is Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_He-Is-Lord.pdf |
D Maj |
D Maj |
38 |
He Keeps Me Singing |
2 |
8 |
40 |
67.50 |
100.00 |
02:37 AM |
x |
45,715 |
He-Keeps-Me-Singing |
x |
x |
986f13b5-5205-4ad5-8012-d186c4ce41d3 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/986f13b5-5205-4ad5-8012-d186c4ce41d3 |
x |
993bf086-c866-4550-b14e-889333a7f718 |
[38] He Keeps Me Singing |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_He-Keeps-Me-Singing.pdf |
D# Maj |
47 |
He Leadeth Me |
2 |
17 |
49 |
93.40 |
100.00 |
03:05 AM |
x |
45,716 |
He-Leadeth-Me |
x |
x |
7e6a0c53-aaaf-49be-860a-8fcda6567131 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7e6a0c53-aaaf-49be-860a-8fcda6567131 |
x |
9bd27911-f7cc-45a0-a324-dc48f3e0e4ca |
[47] He Leadeth Me |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_He-Leadeth-Me.pdf |
D Maj |
112 |
He Lives |
4 |
23 |
112,113 |
67.00 |
99.90 |
x |
45,717 |
He-Lives |
x |
x |
50faab74-a527-4c44-b125-43a6bfe2359e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/50faab74-a527-4c44-b125-43a6bfe2359e |
x |
5e9fb83e-07c7-4ec3-8fdc-16f6de053982 |
[112] He Lives |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_He-Lives.pdf |
151 |
Heaven Came Down |
6 |
2 |
154,155 |
61.50 |
100.00 |
03:18 AM |
x |
45,718 |
Heaven-Came-Down |
x |
x |
57102ebf-5145-4652-9918-529eb6bfef43 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/57102ebf-5145-4652-9918-529eb6bfef43 |
x |
a3775042-8b0a-4204-8806-cbff2409fc6f |
[151] Heaven Came Down |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Heaven-Came-Down.pdf |
F Maj |
177 |
Help Somebody Today |
6 |
28 |
182 |
54.30 |
100.00 |
02:38 AM |
x |
45,719 |
Help-Somebody-Today |
x |
x |
5ba5c553-3df2-4408-8683-19844a06c275 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5ba5c553-3df2-4408-8683-19844a06c275 |
x |
b646909c-0379-4d38-aa20-db08719d8a1a |
[177] Help Somebody Today |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Help-Somebody-Today.pdf |
a min |
134 |
Here I Am, Lord |
5 |
15 |
136,137 |
50.90 |
99.90 |
03:29 AM |
x |
45,720 |
Here-I-Am-Lord |
x |
x |
6327538b-e0b9-475d-afb3-2440e1842470 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/6327538b-e0b9-475d-afb3-2440e1842470 |
x |
c3ca975a-ad95-467c-91b2-0124e8213cef |
[134] Here I Am, Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Here-I-Am-Lord.pdf |
G Maj |
148 |
Higher Ground |
5 |
29 |
151 |
60.00 |
100.00 |
02:47 AM |
x |
45,721 |
Higher-Ground |
x |
x |
74f7079c-4226-4edf-8b1a-a27b60a6f290 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/74f7079c-4226-4edf-8b1a-a27b60a6f290 |
x |
f2c09091-77e7-409b-8c22-60cfc2467c6a |
[148] Higher Ground |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Higher-Ground.pdf |
D Maj |
61 |
His Way with Thee |
3 |
1 |
6,263 |
21.50 |
100.00 |
x |
45,722 |
His-Way-with-Thee |
x |
x |
5ef85fc3-06bd-4603-9491-15863c11e55c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5ef85fc3-06bd-4603-9491-15863c11e55c |
x |
dad0d853-7f7e-4dc0-821f-db11599055a4 |
[61] His Way with Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_His-Way-with-Thee.pdf |
lowercase 4-letter prop. |
D Maj |
15 |
Holy, Holy, Holy |
1 |
15 |
17 |
87.60 |
100.00 |
03:03 AM |
x |
29,948 |
Holy-Holy-Holy |
x |
x |
49472664-490b-443b-a560-021d78f87969 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/49472664-490b-443b-a560-021d78f87969 |
x |
591b5329-69bc-4f19-8c46-86c7f5d898dd |
[15] Holy, Holy, Holy |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Holy-Holy-Holy.pdf |
D# Maj |
107 |
How Great Thou Art |
4 |
18 |
106,107 |
73.50 |
100.00 |
04:16 AM |
x |
45,723 |
How-Great-Thou-Art |
x |
x |
db1548fb-1564-413c-9a15-29e63b69b2cd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/db1548fb-1564-413c-9a15-29e63b69b2cd |
x |
f086b19a-ee28-4998-ae10-f5e44a2067a7 |
[107] How Great Thou Art |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_How-Great-Thou-Art.pdf |
101 |
How I Love Thy Law, O Lord! |
4 |
12 |
101 |
78.40 |
100.00 |
02:07 AM |
x |
45,724 |
How-I-Love-Thy-Law-O-Lord |
x |
x |
957e8c4c-3423-48d7-ac44-57f06b488641 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/957e8c4c-3423-48d7-ac44-57f06b488641 |
x |
106d3877-2a30-40e2-bbba-3d230cf30d57 |
[101] How I Love Thy Law, O Lord! |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_How-I-Love-Thy-Law-O-Lord.pdf |
A Maj |
115 |
Hymn of Promise |
4 |
26 |
116 |
34.90 |
99.90 |
01:57 AM |
x |
45,725 |
Hymn-of-Promise |
x |
x |
9068b605-c0b8-45b8-8ecb-32860f2ef53e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/9068b605-c0b8-45b8-8ecb-32860f2ef53e |
x |
079ecde3-13c6-49c0-9784-93b8ff24036b |
[115] Hymn of Promise |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Hymn-of-Promise.pdf |
F Maj |
F Maj |
90 |
I Am Resolved |
4 |
1 |
91 |
81.50 |
100.00 |
x |
45,726 |
I-Am-Resolved |
x |
x |
eeb3673e-81f5-47eb-8433-58d320a38d37 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/eeb3673e-81f5-47eb-8433-58d320a38d37 |
x |
384995c7-903a-4a96-b952-b1bcb8bda922 |
[90] I Am Resolved |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Am-Resolved.pdf |
18 |
I Am Thine, O Lord |
1 |
18 |
2,021 |
85.70 |
100.00 |
x |
29,949 |
I-Am-Thine-O-Lord |
x |
x |
5c984b06-7e8b-4df0-a413-24261c35c169 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5c984b06-7e8b-4df0-a413-24261c35c169 |
x |
35e9f06a-3b14-4b98-a84a-82cc3ef367f6 |
[18] I Am Thine, O Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Am-Thine-O-Lord.pdf |
G# Maj |
160 |
I Gave My Life for Thee |
6 |
11 |
165 |
51.60 |
99.90 |
01:47 AM |
x |
45,727 |
I-Gave-My-Life-for-Thee |
x |
x |
62204f3e-6de3-488a-a225-dd850dcb41b8 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/62204f3e-6de3-488a-a225-dd850dcb41b8 |
x |
2278782e-df0a-4f61-85da-f86b55695f45 |
[160] I Gave My Life for Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Gave-My-Life-for-Thee.pdf |
C Maj |
C Maj |
75 |
I Know Whom I Have Believed |
3 |
15 |
76 |
62.70 |
100.00 |
03:29 AM |
x |
45,728 |
I-Know-Whom-I-Have-Believed |
x |
x |
7bf93fb8-af64-4b47-8f6b-15dec6553b5b |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7bf93fb8-af64-4b47-8f6b-15dec6553b5b |
x |
8d4daa33-f9c0-4a05-9870-0b42674a4e97 |
[75] I Know Whom I Have Believed |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Know-Whom-I-Have-Believed.pdf |
74 |
I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord |
3 |
14 |
75 |
63.90 |
100.00 |
01:56 AM |
x |
45,729 |
I-Love-Thy-Kingdom-Lord |
x |
x |
f9069b2b-7c60-4820-b1a2-735899ef78a4 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f9069b2b-7c60-4820-b1a2-735899ef78a4 |
x |
87012aef-fc28-4d09-8fa1-9ecc4da66370 |
[74] I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Love-Thy-Kingdom-Lord.pdf |
C Maj |
a min |
80 |
I Love to Tell the Story |
3 |
20 |
81 |
73.10 |
99.90 |
03:02 AM |
x |
45,730 |
I-Love-to-Tell-the-Story |
x |
x |
599948c1-1481-4666-866b-a36d7e1986fc |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/599948c1-1481-4666-866b-a36d7e1986fc |
x |
075f9f54-15e7-4723-9b6f-56651388a676 |
[80] I Love to Tell the Story |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Love-to-Tell-the-Story.pdf |
c min |
187 |
I Need Thee Every Hour |
7 |
9 |
191 |
45.00 |
100.00 |
02:03 AM |
x |
45,731 |
I-Need-Thee-Every-Hour |
x |
x |
2b9db7ce-4bf6-4099-abf1-1020431c5ed2 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2b9db7ce-4bf6-4099-abf1-1020431c5ed2 |
x |
2c0b9fc1-f5a7-46f7-aca7-b512a886187b |
[187] I Need Thee Every Hour |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Need-Thee-Every-Hour.pdf |
D# Maj |
D# Maj |
33 |
I Sing the Mighty Power of God |
2 |
3 |
35 |
77.90 |
100.00 |
02:11 AM |
x |
45,732 |
I-Sing-the-Mighty-Power-of-God |
x |
x |
d947d60c-df5a-4042-a90f-5c680b3a3524 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d947d60c-df5a-4042-a90f-5c680b3a3524 |
x |
39a1bc6f-3a34-45bb-b88e-b2e0e3e6f6fd |
[33] I Sing the Mighty Power of God |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Sing-the-Mighty-Power-of-God.pdf |
A# Maj |
95 |
I Surrender All |
4 |
6 |
96 |
59.40 |
100.00 |
03:00 AM |
x |
45,733 |
I-Surrender-All |
x |
x |
e3a410f7-42cd-4d5e-a874-b58bd13b0aa8 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e3a410f7-42cd-4d5e-a874-b58bd13b0aa8 |
x |
96b0cc1c-bdc5-44f8-9ed1-cecb36cc57ad |
[95] I Surrender All |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Surrender-All.pdf |
A Maj |
67 |
I Was Glad, O, So Glad |
3 |
7 |
6,869 |
71.60 |
99.90 |
02:30 AM |
x |
45,734 |
I-Was-Glad-O-So-Glad |
x |
x |
7fc60466-4fa4-47d6-b155-ac132be8a752 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7fc60466-4fa4-47d6-b155-ac132be8a752 |
x |
25174604-85f3-4e5c-a9c5-d132665d0799 |
[67] I Was Glad, O, So Glad |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Was-Glad-O-So-Glad.pdf |
comma usage (okay?) |
A Maj |
179 |
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story |
7 |
1 |
184,185 |
63.60 |
99.90 |
03:09 AM |
x |
45,735 |
I-Will-Sing-the-Wondrous-Story |
x |
x |
d510313d-5ac4-4b1c-8ffb-fa9480f9c03a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d510313d-5ac4-4b1c-8ffb-fa9480f9c03a |
x |
0270ee11-13ce-4958-882a-6b72710e5a47 |
[179] I Will Sing the Wondrous Story |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Will-Sing-the-Wondrous-Story.pdf |
125 |
I Would Be True |
5 |
6 |
127 |
69.80 |
100.00 |
02:20 AM |
x |
45,736 |
I-Would-Be-True |
x |
x |
7828385c-a6bc-45a5-8f7e-94d7bea82830 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7828385c-a6bc-45a5-8f7e-94d7bea82830 |
x |
775a65c9-103e-469d-883a-51f7e6016c20 |
[125] I Would Be True |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_I-Would-Be-True.pdf |
a min |
135 |
If I Take the Wings of the Morning |
5 |
16 |
138,139 |
49.70 |
100.00 |
02:20 AM |
x |
45,737 |
If-I-Take-the-Wings-of-the-Morning |
x |
x |
e0f774a3-9fc8-4a15-9202-768139aaf49d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e0f774a3-9fc8-4a15-9202-768139aaf49d |
x |
1702a7eb-0537-41a0-ba41-325cbdcc981d |
[135] If I Take the Wings of the Morning |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_If-I-Take-the-Wings-of-the-Morning.pdf |
C Maj |
162 |
Immortal, Invisible |
6 |
13 |
167 |
57.80 |
100.00 |
02:21 AM |
x |
45,738 |
Immortal-Invisible |
x |
x |
d34cbe93-5552-411d-87ab-5f982355d3b7 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d34cbe93-5552-411d-87ab-5f982355d3b7 |
x |
21861bbc-2d31-43c6-83b2-c9d250d63244 |
[162] Immortal, Invisible |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Immortal-Invisible.pdf |
c min |
127 |
In My Heart There Rings a Melody |
5 |
8 |
129 |
57.20 |
100.00 |
02:02 AM |
x |
45,739 |
In-My-Heart-There-Rings-a-Melody |
x |
x |
c51bf08c-3abd-4149-9a1a-c7d7e00e82a2 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c51bf08c-3abd-4149-9a1a-c7d7e00e82a2 |
x |
c54882d4-4bf8-4929-a218-87532547cac1 |
[127] In My Heart There Rings a Melody |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_In-My-Heart-There-Rings-a-Melody.pdf |
D Maj |
D Maj |
161 |
In the Garden |
6 |
12 |
166 |
50.40 |
100.00 |
02:45 AM |
x |
45,740 |
In-the-Garden |
x |
x |
34829634-5885-401c-a38b-7ac004b91c44 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/34829634-5885-401c-a38b-7ac004b91c44 |
x |
b1fc3a1a-e5eb-410f-ab0a-ba7bceb915c7 |
[161] In the Garden |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_In-the-Garden.pdf |
G# Maj |
60 |
It Is Well with My Soul |
2 |
30 |
61 |
71.80 |
100.00 |
03:52 AM |
x |
45,741 |
It-Is-Well-with-My-Soul |
x |
x |
c77cd496-cfb9-4e74-81e2-3e23f5f9a1c1 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c77cd496-cfb9-4e74-81e2-3e23f5f9a1c1 |
x |
898325a7-c750-44d2-8c0a-d3c1acd0fa6c |
[60] It Is Well with My Soul |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_It-Is-Well-with-My-Soul.pdf |
lowercase 4-letter prop. |
180 |
Jesus Calls Us |
7 |
2 |
185 |
50.10 |
100.00 |
01:46 AM |
x |
45,742 |
Jesus-Calls-Us |
x |
x |
2a05b5bc-3b29-44d1-8bcf-f961b478cafd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2a05b5bc-3b29-44d1-8bcf-f961b478cafd |
x |
d3e4a488-a192-4946-9387-a2ae5afef614 |
[180] Jesus Calls Us |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Jesus-Calls-Us.pdf |
G# Maj |
G# Maj |
195 |
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling |
7 |
17 |
200,201 |
66.10 |
100.00 |
02:43 AM |
x |
45,743 |
Jesus-Is-Tenderly-Calling |
x |
x |
62259e43-67cc-42ac-bcfb-5839bd6a0ddb |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/62259e43-67cc-42ac-bcfb-5839bd6a0ddb |
x |
4ed80e40-9af9-40bd-a002-8b1b19b3fb37 |
[195] Jesus Is Tenderly Calling |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Jesus-Is-Tenderly-Calling.pdf |
A# Maj |
78 |
Jesus Loves Me |
3 |
18 |
79 |
66.90 |
100.00 |
02:05 AM |
x |
45,744 |
Jesus-Loves-Me |
x |
x |
7cd7bb96-fff5-49ee-8176-318c32827408 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7cd7bb96-fff5-49ee-8176-318c32827408 |
x |
4e9f5eca-c526-4fbe-8865-c9e888981727 |
[78] Jesus Loves Me |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Jesus-Loves-Me.pdf |
C Maj |
C Maj |
93 |
Jesus Paid It All |
4 |
4 |
9,495 |
67.10 |
100.00 |
02:48 AM |
x |
10,358 |
Jesus-Paid-It-All |
x |
x |
27a53efb-4395-48c9-929d-c3d97b2d1e0e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/27a53efb-4395-48c9-929d-c3d97b2d1e0e |
x |
c9525e65-0b63-4ba1-93f4-829002c3ce80 |
[93] Jesus Paid It All |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Jesus-Paid-It-All.pdf |
42 |
Jesus Saves! |
2 |
12 |
44 |
99.20 |
100.00 |
02:21 AM |
x |
45,745 |
Jesus-Saves |
x |
x |
7ca79431-0ea3-42cf-af45-3039aaec2381 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7ca79431-0ea3-42cf-af45-3039aaec2381 |
x |
41f306c4-f5dc-44c0-93f3-f8807f60f746 |
[42] Jesus Saves! |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Jesus-Saves.pdf |
45 |
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me |
2 |
15 |
47 |
73.90 |
100.00 |
02:05 AM |
x |
45,746 |
Jesus-Savior-Pilot-Me |
x |
x |
51248037-ab39-4af6-b563-fea4d0b820bd |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/51248037-ab39-4af6-b563-fea4d0b820bd |
x |
1bd853c2-adad-411b-b23f-733feaf94607 |
[45] Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Jesus-Savior-Pilot-Me.pdf |
A# Maj |
40 |
Joy to the World! |
2 |
10 |
42 |
90.70 |
100.00 |
02:40 AM |
x |
45,747 |
Joy-to-the-World |
x |
x |
7c0aa339-06ef-4cfb-8ca4-cf52009ace4c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7c0aa339-06ef-4cfb-8ca4-cf52009ace4c |
x |
e8fc5546-f5c8-4fce-a619-67163ee19374 |
[40] Joy to the World! |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Joy-to-the-World.pdf |
D Maj |
28 |
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee |
1 |
28 |
30 |
90.40 |
100.00 |
x |
29,950 |
Joyful-Joyful-We-Adore-Thee |
x |
x |
da6c1ab3-81f4-4014-a5eb-a47e87f2d2ec |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/da6c1ab3-81f4-4014-a5eb-a47e87f2d2ec |
x |
6c2f4b14-482f-45c8-b0ec-e5fcb173b73a |
[28] Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Joyful-Joyful-We-Adore-Thee.pdf |
D# Maj |
98 |
Just As I Am, Without One Plea |
4 |
9 |
9,899 |
49.30 |
100.00 |
02:52 AM |
x |
10,359 |
Just-As-I-Am-Without-One-Plea |
x |
x |
3955e5d8-d90d-48ac-a891-d8201491f076 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/3955e5d8-d90d-48ac-a891-d8201491f076 |
x |
d24d5f6c-7d92-4269-b528-7ae494a3680d |
[98] Just As I Am, Without One Plea |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Just-As-I-Am-Without-One-Plea.pdf |
D Maj |
64 |
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms |
3 |
4 |
65 |
89.20 |
100.00 |
02:14 AM |
x |
45,748 |
Leaning-on-the-Everlasting-Arms |
x |
x |
dc504efa-84a4-4634-bb9b-7010e40f42f2 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/dc504efa-84a4-4634-bb9b-7010e40f42f2 |
x |
0fb23e31-dec5-4cee-b84c-c5dc24fc49e8 |
[64] Leaning on the Everlasting Arms |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Leaning-on-the-Everlasting-Arms.pdf |
A Maj |
178 |
Let Others See Jesus in You |
6 |
29 |
183 |
55.00 |
100.00 |
x |
45,749 |
Let-Others-See-Jesus-in-You |
x |
x |
2696c011-fee5-43b2-af47-7d0211737446 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2696c011-fee5-43b2-af47-7d0211737446 |
x |
f50f040a-3a48-4404-b099-f136224e2a31 |
[178] Let Others See Jesus in You |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Let-Others-See-Jesus-in-You.pdf |
G# Maj |
142 |
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning |
5 |
23 |
145 |
79.00 |
100.00 |
02:05 AM |
x |
45,750 |
Let-the-Lower-Lights-Be-Burning |
x |
x |
cd9dfb36-dabf-444d-96f5-22d39262af1a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/cd9dfb36-dabf-444d-96f5-22d39262af1a |
x |
4f573148-e412-4ce8-bfc0-fa5c6e36b232 |
[142] Let the Lower Lights Be Burning |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Let-the-Lower-Lights-Be-Burning.pdf |
A# Maj |
119 |
Let There Be Peace on Earth |
4 |
30 |
120,121 |
61.70 |
100.00 |
01:53 AM |
x |
45,751 |
Let-There-Be-Peace-on-Earth |
x |
x |
00405756-0993-46eb-8b41-3854cdd4cb1c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/00405756-0993-46eb-8b41-3854cdd4cb1c |
x |
76d0dfc8-53dc-4c02-8e32-66d77d829088 |
[119] Let There Be Peace on Earth |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Let-There-Be-Peace-on-Earth.pdf |
C Maj |
63 |
Living for Jesus |
3 |
3 |
6,465 |
91.30 |
99.90 |
05:09 AM |
x |
45,752 |
Living-for-Jesus |
x |
x |
b59cd53b-70dd-48a8-bc57-ffc2367703ca |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b59cd53b-70dd-48a8-bc57-ffc2367703ca |
x |
ab738bd1-cbb0-4718-beb7-080136488aa6 |
[63] Living for Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Living-for-Jesus.pdf |
130 |
Lord, Our Lord, O'er Earth's Vast Frame |
5 |
11 |
132 |
63.60 |
99.90 |
02:10 AM |
x |
45,753 |
Lord-Our-Lord-Oer-Earths-Vast-Frame |
x |
x |
c280d1fb-de79-4c77-9df7-d714abe70f32 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c280d1fb-de79-4c77-9df7-d714abe70f32 |
x |
adcab9ff-2045-4018-b1e1-441f28566e0a |
[130] Lord, Our Lord, O'er Earth's Vast Frame |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Lord-Our-Lord-Oer-Earths-Vast-Frame.pdf |
D Maj |
16 |
Lord, Thy Church on Earth Is Seeking |
1 |
16 |
18 |
92.80 |
100.00 |
x |
29,951 |
Lord-Thy-Church-on-Earth-Is-Seeking |
x |
x |
4bb37829-a932-4606-bedc-06c04c8f4c46 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4bb37829-a932-4606-bedc-06c04c8f4c46 |
x |
d966cf0b-ea49-4d38-ac83-4f6506cf7fd7 |
[16] Lord, Thy Church on Earth Is Seeking |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Lord-Thy-Church-on-Earth-Is-Seeking.pdf |
17 |
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling |
1 |
17 |
19 |
88.70 |
100.00 |
02:50 AM |
x |
29,952 |
Love-Divine-All-Loves-Excelling |
x |
x |
c30727b3-b911-49bc-b600-1a8c6d431a14 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c30727b3-b911-49bc-b600-1a8c6d431a14 |
x |
76990080-b99a-4c4b-aa8e-6e11e0a142de |
[17] Love Divine, All Loves Excelling |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Love-Divine-All-Loves-Excelling.pdf |
84 |
Love Lifted Me |
3 |
24 |
85 |
69.80 |
99.90 |
02:36 AM |
x |
45,754 |
Love-Lifted-Me |
x |
x |
904a649b-e0a3-415a-9686-94e9e3c66a2c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/904a649b-e0a3-415a-9686-94e9e3c66a2c |
x |
81d6039d-2e76-411a-8976-ba6265bc8d41 |
[84] Love Lifted Me |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Love-Lifted-Me.pdf |
48 |
Make Me a Blessing |
2 |
18 |
5,051 |
78.50 |
100.00 |
03:10 AM |
x |
45,755 |
Make-Me-a-Blessing |
x |
x |
68c4bf98-e93d-4209-afd4-89ce52db8c34 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/68c4bf98-e93d-4209-afd4-89ce52db8c34 |
x |
c029ded3-6ff5-43fa-8759-0800dbfea216 |
[48] Make Me a Blessing |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Make-Me-a-Blessing.pdf |
81 |
Make Me a Captive, Lord |
3 |
21 |
82 |
86.10 |
100.00 |
x |
45,756 |
Make-Me-a-Captive-Lord |
x |
x |
c3bdcc56-3701-4b84-aae2-f67df938ef0b |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c3bdcc56-3701-4b84-aae2-f67df938ef0b |
x |
5e795c5b-90a1-4ecd-b18b-744b3e237f3c |
[81] Make Me a Captive, Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Make-Me-a-Captive-Lord.pdf |
171 |
Moment by Moment |
6 |
22 |
176,177 |
78.70 |
99.90 |
03:41 AM |
x |
45,757 |
Moment-by-Moment |
x |
x |
92d2eb7f-c8a5-473c-99eb-270d10bc656b |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/92d2eb7f-c8a5-473c-99eb-270d10bc656b |
x |
b5501097-6283-4d27-a11c-474136231c45 |
[171] Moment by Moment |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Moment-by-Moment.pdf |
185 |
More About Jesus Would I Know |
7 |
7 |
189 |
47.60 |
100.00 |
x |
45,758 |
More-About-Jesus-Would-I-Know |
x |
x |
e1f41b0e-f582-4ea2-8d89-00f0071ab635 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e1f41b0e-f582-4ea2-8d89-00f0071ab635 |
x |
ec710f77-cc14-4031-8e9c-1757a20697e7 |
[185] More About Jesus Would I Know |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_More-About-Jesus-Would-I-Know.pdf |
86 |
More Love to Thee |
3 |
26 |
87 |
81.30 |
99.90 |
02:16 AM |
x |
45,759 |
More-Love-to-Thee |
x |
x |
29a01caa-0741-4d95-8f65-33665941f719 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/29a01caa-0741-4d95-8f65-33665941f719 |
x |
b4aa6239-38b5-4af2-80ae-35c3a28a01a8 |
[86] More Love to Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_More-Love-to-Thee.pdf |
G# Maj |
173 |
Morning Has Broken |
6 |
24 |
178 |
52.10 |
100.00 |
01:49 AM |
x |
45,760 |
Morning-Has-Broken |
x |
x |
3ef8ab94-80f5-4414-a109-462f25dfeed9 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/3ef8ab94-80f5-4414-a109-462f25dfeed9 |
x |
0bca0a86-48fa-4587-95d8-45a537a4cc16 |
[173] Morning Has Broken |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Morning-Has-Broken.pdf |
C Maj |
152 |
My Country, 'Tis of Thee |
6 |
3 |
156 |
64.50 |
99.90 |
02:12 AM |
x |
45,761 |
My-Country-Tis-of-Thee |
x |
x |
98457de0-84e5-45be-a164-720b9134b153 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/98457de0-84e5-45be-a164-720b9134b153 |
x |
dcdde4a3-f05c-497e-b422-c4017eab5d58 |
[152] My Country, 'Tis of Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_My-Country-Tis-of-Thee.pdf |
a min |
62 |
My Faith Looks Up to Thee |
3 |
2 |
63 |
79.10 |
100.00 |
x |
45,762 |
My-Faith-Looks-Up-to-Thee |
x |
x |
b9d4dd63-a3ce-4e41-aee2-d933b997850e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b9d4dd63-a3ce-4e41-aee2-d933b997850e |
x |
7bf975db-ab45-44d3-b6a5-aef643281604 |
[62] My Faith Looks Up to Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_My-Faith-Looks-Up-to-Thee.pdf |
D# Maj |
51 |
My Jesus, I Love Thee |
2 |
21 |
53 |
53.10 |
100.00 |
02:55 AM |
x |
45,763 |
My-Jesus-I-Love-Thee |
x |
x |
d70c23ce-b957-4adf-ac3e-e16bade6d840 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d70c23ce-b957-4adf-ac3e-e16bade6d840 |
x |
2c669abe-8ab8-4318-9a3c-507b7490a335 |
[51] My Jesus, I Love Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_My-Jesus-I-Love-Thee.pdf |
a min |
87 |
My Savior's Love |
3 |
27 |
8,889 |
76.50 |
100.00 |
03:16 AM |
x |
45,764 |
My-Saviors-Love |
x |
x |
bcb5547f-81f2-438c-8740-e87acc3fcda6 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/bcb5547f-81f2-438c-8740-e87acc3fcda6 |
x |
4880876b-bdd0-4e26-a4d6-a10d1fd79603 |
[87] My Savior's Love |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_My-Saviors-Love.pdf |
196 |
Nearer, My God, to Thee |
7 |
18 |
201 |
66.10 |
100.00 |
03:01 AM |
x |
45,765 |
Nearer-My-God-to-Thee |
x |
x |
4d00502d-8b9a-49bf-864f-d0e404d4ee45 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4d00502d-8b9a-49bf-864f-d0e404d4ee45 |
x |
e29d074d-4693-44fa-ba7c-b77b0e978d40 |
[196] Nearer, My God, to Thee |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Nearer-My-God-to-Thee.pdf |
G Maj |
166 |
No Night There |
6 |
17 |
171 |
56.60 |
100.00 |
02:43 AM |
x |
45,766 |
No-Night-There |
x |
x |
51d7a8f0-23d0-4e27-b9fa-810848e52d7e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/51d7a8f0-23d0-4e27-b9fa-810848e52d7e |
x |
d0063df5-3645-495d-8468-4244a4033e9f |
[166] No Night There |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_No-Night-There.pdf |
A# Maj |
114 |
Nothing But the Blood |
4 |
25 |
115 |
94.30 |
100.00 |
02:32 AM |
x |
10,364 |
Nothing-But-the-Blood |
x |
x |
06521dbe-6127-4ede-a705-80d2bb705479 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/06521dbe-6127-4ede-a705-80d2bb705479 |
x |
a463ba11-6431-4945-a1a4-43599173b31f |
[114] Nothing But the Blood |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Nothing-But-the-Blood.pdf |
D Maj |
164 |
Now the Day Is Over |
6 |
15 |
169 |
38.30 |
100.00 |
x |
45,767 |
Now-the-Day-Is-Over |
x |
x |
8f0267a8-f3fa-4a53-a5ea-60065dea5563 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/8f0267a8-f3fa-4a53-a5ea-60065dea5563 |
x |
44542399-8e87-47ad-826e-fda52608e4f1 |
[164] Now the Day Is Over |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Now-the-Day-Is-Over.pdf |
c min |
140 |
O Come, All Ye Faithful |
5 |
21 |
143 |
69.20 |
100.00 |
02:24 AM |
x |
45,768 |
O-Come-All-Ye-Faithful |
x |
x |
f622d725-0c1f-4938-9dea-a9c9d2b91907 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f622d725-0c1f-4938-9dea-a9c9d2b91907 |
x |
e26b1064-6ad7-4d87-bbfc-22e206974126 |
[140] O Come, All Ye Faithful |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-Come-All-Ye-Faithful.pdf |
D Maj |
102 |
O Come, My People, to My Law |
4 |
13 |
102 |
89.60 |
100.00 |
02:34 AM |
x |
45,769 |
O-Come-My-People-to-My-Law |
x |
x |
3f63c930-90ef-4c36-b692-a8790e973d3f |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/3f63c930-90ef-4c36-b692-a8790e973d3f |
x |
5b8cab73-bafc-4017-a260-418bbc0150e6 |
[102] O Come, My People, to My Law |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-Come-My-People-to-My-Law.pdf |
d min |
131 |
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel |
5 |
12 |
133 |
67.90 |
100.00 |
02:55 AM |
x |
45,770 |
O-Come-O-Come-Emmanuel |
x |
x |
61f1533e-53ce-4493-bb56-bfca19d350d0 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/61f1533e-53ce-4493-bb56-bfca19d350d0 |
x |
ceddb157-b3fd-430c-b79e-8985d00de0de |
[131] O Come, O Come, Emmanuel |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-Come-O-Come-Emmanuel.pdf |
205 |
O For a Closer Walk With God |
7 |
27 |
211 |
70.30 |
99.90 |
02:07 AM |
x |
45,771 |
O-For-a-Closer-Walk-With-God |
x |
x |
97b540c6-4a65-425e-9454-ecd5294d5196 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/97b540c6-4a65-425e-9454-ecd5294d5196 |
x |
4e906756-c5fe-46bc-871a-c402b4395443 |
[205] O For a Closer Walk With God |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-For-a-Closer-Walk-With-God.pdf |
comma usage, With capped; lowercase 4-letter prop. |
c min |
13 |
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing |
1 |
13 |
15 |
89.20 |
100.00 |
01:43 AM |
x |
29,953 |
O-For-a-Thousand-Tongues-to-Sing |
x |
x |
ae01df60-0b0e-465d-ba9c-99e128271dc4 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/ae01df60-0b0e-465d-ba9c-99e128271dc4 |
x |
7cd3d65d-a258-48d6-b816-8d5ebdcf476a |
[13] O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-For-a-Thousand-Tongues-to-Sing.pdf |
should have comma after O? |
c min |
27 |
O God, Our Help in Ages Past |
1 |
27 |
29 |
99.20 |
100.00 |
02:26 AM |
x |
29,954 |
O-God-Our-Help-in-Ages-Past |
x |
x |
ed8fc88d-c2e4-43d2-a139-0a74f3cf43b1 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/ed8fc88d-c2e4-43d2-a139-0a74f3cf43b1 |
x |
0065f664-55f4-4564-8953-fd8cf57dd069 |
[27] O God, Our Help in Ages Past |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-God-Our-Help-in-Ages-Past.pdf |
C Maj |
82 |
O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go |
3 |
22 |
83 |
60.70 |
100.00 |
02:33 AM |
x |
45,772 |
O-Love-That-Wilt-Not-Let-Me-Go |
x |
x |
e891ab06-3dca-47fe-a5ff-4dd77b429419 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e891ab06-3dca-47fe-a5ff-4dd77b429419 |
x |
d52988c5-4633-4052-8cc6-c2b1e07f30c8 |
[82] O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-Love-That-Wilt-Not-Let-Me-Go.pdf |
no comma? Spots on scan |
D# Maj |
19 |
O Worship the King |
1 |
19 |
21 |
85.50 |
99.90 |
02:14 AM |
x |
29,955 |
O-Worship-the-King |
x |
x |
35bd9bf1-746e-4461-8e4d-cefb3608e6ff |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/35bd9bf1-746e-4461-8e4d-cefb3608e6ff |
x |
7f7b0757-48b1-48f0-b2af-7d3f73c844e1 |
[19] O Worship the King |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-Worship-the-King.pdf |
different O usage for no comma? |
c# min |
132 |
O Zion, Haste |
5 |
13 |
134 |
75.50 |
100.00 |
x |
45,773 |
O-Zion-Haste |
x |
x |
31f5a1e9-b968-4c2b-a791-c28353e5f77d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/31f5a1e9-b968-4c2b-a791-c28353e5f77d |
x |
147bc6cb-f78b-44a7-ae42-e8cfa29ab86a |
[132] O Zion, Haste |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-Zion-Haste.pdf |
53 |
O, How I Love Jesus |
2 |
23 |
55 |
61.20 |
100.00 |
02:33 AM |
x |
45,774 |
O-How-I-Love-Jesus |
x |
x |
a414b46f-60a9-47dd-8eae-22a6e54308ff |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a414b46f-60a9-47dd-8eae-22a6e54308ff |
x |
16edb05c-777a-4610-a615-243d94f2ab6a |
[53] O, How I Love Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_O-How-I-Love-Jesus.pdf |
c min |
144 |
On Jordan's Stormy Banks |
5 |
25 |
147 |
59.20 |
100.00 |
02:33 AM |
x |
45,775 |
On-Jordans-Stormy-Banks |
x |
x |
d7093702-c726-42db-9e55-48b1188edfe8 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d7093702-c726-42db-9e55-48b1188edfe8 |
x |
b2b6d08e-16f0-45d2-b3db-b59aad84c84b |
[144] On Jordan's Stormy Banks |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_On-Jordans-Stormy-Banks.pdf |
a min |
54 |
One Day! |
2 |
24 |
5,657 |
80.50 |
100.00 |
04:35 AM |
x |
45,776 |
One-Day |
x |
x |
f03a5a71-d2db-4447-921d-eed2fe0b15d3 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f03a5a71-d2db-4447-921d-eed2fe0b15d3 |
x |
cd85da1b-1661-43c8-a448-332b73b9e858 |
[54] One Day! |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_One-Day.pdf |
103 |
Only Trust Him |
4 |
14 |
103 |
77.20 |
100.00 |
02:25 AM |
x |
45,777 |
Only-Trust-Him |
x |
x |
2da647bb-0102-43fd-8f79-ebd55ac399fc |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2da647bb-0102-43fd-8f79-ebd55ac399fc |
x |
2874c734-a0a9-439f-a587-f84a955d76e8 |
[103] Only Trust Him |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Only-Trust-Him.pdf |
b min |
155 |
Onward, Christian Soldiers |
6 |
6 |
160,161 |
66.90 |
100.00 |
x |
45,778 |
Onward-Christian-Soldiers |
x |
x |
b2a2effa-4617-4b47-acff-52fba038041e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b2a2effa-4617-4b47-acff-52fba038041e |
x |
9ebc5b95-88e7-43bb-8d7a-945f6dd71adc |
[155] Onward, Christian Soldiers |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Onward-Christian-Soldiers.pdf |
165 |
Open My Eyes, that I May See |
6 |
16 |
170 |
65.80 |
99.90 |
x |
45,779 |
Open-My-Eyes-that-I-May-See |
x |
x |
1d7ef080-a1f9-400c-9e67-06c1d97c085f |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/1d7ef080-a1f9-400c-9e67-06c1d97c085f |
x |
2d889d78-768d-42dc-8ac2-e5de8cdb1d1c |
[165] Open My Eyes, that I May See |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Open-My-Eyes-that-I-May-See.pdf |
D# Maj |
20 |
Praise Him! Praise Him! |
1 |
20 |
2,223 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
03:02 AM |
x |
29,956 |
Praise-Him-Praise-Him |
x |
x |
a0ac67a3-c968-4551-a0f2-85380ad8e0f9 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a0ac67a3-c968-4551-a0f2-85380ad8e0f9 |
x |
f60e6ea5-d233-46cf-afb5-87712bfd483b |
[20] Praise Him! Praise Him! |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Praise-Him-Praise-Him.pdf |
22 |
Praise Ye, the Lord, the Almighty |
1 |
22 |
24 |
83.10 |
100.00 |
02:11 AM |
x |
29,957 |
Praise-Ye-the-Lord-the-Almighty |
x |
x |
f1bf75d5-272c-4cf6-acbf-02001fd4c9ce |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f1bf75d5-272c-4cf6-acbf-02001fd4c9ce |
x |
dedc13d5-ca50-4168-89cd-dccd668e0407 |
[22] Praise Ye, the Lord, the Almighty |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Praise-Ye-the-Lord-the-Almighty.pdf |
G Maj |
204 |
Put God First |
7 |
26 |
210,211 |
87.60 |
99.90 |
x |
45,780 |
Put-God-First |
x |
x |
e4f43040-8d71-4bd6-ba77-2ea6039d3207 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e4f43040-8d71-4bd6-ba77-2ea6039d3207 |
x |
af7692f7-557f-4164-a143-d7878f5ba1a5 |
[204] Put God First |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Put-God-First.pdf |
d min |
117 |
Redeemed |
4 |
28 |
118,119 |
74.70 |
100.00 |
02:10 AM |
x |
45,781 |
Redeemed |
x |
x |
ebfaa20e-bbe4-4ef5-a8d3-40267c7e932c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/ebfaa20e-bbe4-4ef5-a8d3-40267c7e932c |
x |
9a3d723d-83e0-40dd-a747-723c1633d101 |
[117] Redeemed |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Redeemed.pdf |
c min |
156 |
Rescue the Perishing |
6 |
7 |
161 |
56.10 |
99.90 |
x |
45,782 |
Rescue-the-Perishing |
x |
x |
8620cd8f-dc45-4bf3-9ece-3d5ff302c7f6 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/8620cd8f-dc45-4bf3-9ece-3d5ff302c7f6 |
x |
7b756a88-9a6c-4b32-8be7-57de31c82f7d |
[156] Rescue the Perishing |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Rescue-the-Perishing.pdf |
21 |
Revive Us Again |
1 |
21 |
23 |
100.00 |
99.90 |
x |
29,958 |
Revive-Us-Again |
x |
x |
d4f80748-b178-4563-aa75-f426a9427574 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d4f80748-b178-4563-aa75-f426a9427574 |
x |
a97a6a4e-3ae7-4b6b-b875-317329c7b2a0 |
[21] Revive Us Again |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Revive-Us-Again.pdf |
a min |
55 |
Rock of Ages |
2 |
25 |
57 |
84.50 |
100.00 |
01:54 AM |
x |
45,783 |
Rock-of-Ages |
x |
x |
1220977b-f3bd-484e-a55b-5d664b0ecabc |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/1220977b-f3bd-484e-a55b-5d664b0ecabc |
x |
36d3dce0-79c5-4fce-8ae5-1b960a4a33ed |
[55] Rock of Ages |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Rock-of-Ages.pdf |
A# Maj |
96 |
Safely Through Another Week |
4 |
7 |
97 |
71.50 |
100.00 |
02:22 AM |
x |
45,784 |
Safely-Through-Another-Week |
x |
x |
4c8ea481-c94d-471f-b149-0897a4ddfcc8 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4c8ea481-c94d-471f-b149-0897a4ddfcc8 |
x |
84da63ea-41d0-4e8c-bdfd-aa448f2dda42 |
[96] Safely Through Another Week |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Safely-Through-Another-Week.pdf |
D Maj |
203 |
Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name |
7 |
25 |
209 |
65.80 |
99.80 |
x |
45,785 |
Savior-Again-to-Thy-Dear-Name |
x |
x |
c9bbd797-28d9-42b4-b01e-6fee1aa60dbe |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c9bbd797-28d9-42b4-b01e-6fee1aa60dbe |
x |
cd9e0ce0-6adc-42d7-b4e8-c793a0a59953 |
[203] Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Savior-Again-to-Thy-Dear-Name.pdf |
G Maj |
52 |
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us |
2 |
22 |
54 |
67.60 |
100.00 |
03:07 AM |
x |
45,786 |
Savior-Like-a-Shepherd-Lead-Us |
x |
x |
fcc412d2-58b1-4586-be32-91f613bfa103 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/fcc412d2-58b1-4586-be32-91f613bfa103 |
x |
d11c3701-be89-4fa7-b2c9-a24754eb924b |
[52] Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Savior-Like-a-Shepherd-Lead-Us.pdf |
D Maj |
157 |
Send the Light |
6 |
8 |
162,163 |
60.90 |
99.90 |
02:42 AM |
x |
45,787 |
Send-the-Light |
x |
x |
39eb9c65-8c25-47fb-b51c-77330926f65b |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/39eb9c65-8c25-47fb-b51c-77330926f65b |
x |
a3a1b162-9b7f-41f2-af6f-c745ed919eaa |
[157] Send the Light |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Send-the-Light.pdf |
c min |
174 |
Shall We Gather at the River? |
6 |
25 |
179 |
60.50 |
100.00 |
02:43 AM |
x |
45,788 |
Shall-We-Gather-at-the-River |
x |
x |
988cbaf9-e221-400e-b217-9ceb35aff428 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/988cbaf9-e221-400e-b217-9ceb35aff428 |
x |
48171a5a-93e3-46b2-9e43-9de959634320 |
[174] Shall We Gather at the River? |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Shall-We-Gather-at-the-River.pdf |
no ? Mark? (adding) |
D Maj |
154 |
Shine, Jesus, Shine |
6 |
5 |
158,159 |
64.10 |
99.90 |
03:21 AM |
x |
45,789 |
Shine-Jesus-Shine |
x |
x |
5ad66f4f-6f9b-422e-b966-b9240c518314 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5ad66f4f-6f9b-422e-b966-b9240c518314 |
x |
eaae4731-c0ea-47b3-8d2c-ee0e4aa4a9cf |
[154] Shine, Jesus, Shine |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Shine-Jesus-Shine.pdf |
163 |
Since Jesus Came into My Heart |
6 |
14 |
168,169 |
63.00 |
99.90 |
x |
45,790 |
Since-Jesus-Came-into-My-Heart |
x |
x |
779cc33e-bb2e-438d-9bbd-36a11486f998 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/779cc33e-bb2e-438d-9bbd-36a11486f998 |
x |
ae051959-3244-4aa7-9b25-6f895c9b097b |
[163] Since Jesus Came into My Heart |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Since-Jesus-Came-into-My-Heart.pdf |
lowercase 4 letter prop. |
A Maj |
191 |
Softly and Tenderly |
7 |
13 |
196 |
57.90 |
100.00 |
03:54 AM |
x |
45,791 |
Softly-and-Tenderly |
x |
x |
1a18d008-3e5c-4e3f-a5af-cfa1d38f31d1 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/1a18d008-3e5c-4e3f-a5af-cfa1d38f31d1 |
x |
181047bd-dadc-4bd6-869f-853f1896fbf0 |
[191] Softly and Tenderly |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Softly-and-Tenderly.pdf |
202 |
Some Golden Daybreak |
7 |
24 |
208,209 |
65.60 |
100.00 |
02:54 AM |
x |
45,792 |
Some-Golden-Daybreak |
x |
x |
a1ae4af4-a488-4c06-a777-70066f45395d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a1ae4af4-a488-4c06-a777-70066f45395d |
x |
55d7ef11-e887-42a2-9817-2ce06381a7ff |
[202] Some Golden Daybreak |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Some-Golden-Daybreak.pdf |
c min |
189 |
Some Sweet Day |
7 |
11 |
194 |
60.30 |
100.00 |
01:58 AM |
x |
45,793 |
Some-Sweet-Day |
x |
x |
a6366142-4950-45ab-9067-ac911986e57a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a6366142-4950-45ab-9067-ac911986e57a |
x |
c7e0ebab-2a0d-4948-a59b-7ad4b3b8b59c |
[189] Some Sweet Day |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Some-Sweet-Day.pdf |
G Maj |
121 |
Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart |
5 |
2 |
123 |
63.00 |
100.00 |
02:50 AM |
x |
45,794 |
Spirit-of-God-Descend-upon-My-Heart |
x |
x |
596d18da-62a3-40d3-aacc-2a06bc6aec7d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/596d18da-62a3-40d3-aacc-2a06bc6aec7d |
x |
fe6849ee-2cab-47fd-89ee-68d725ed53f0 |
[121] Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Spirit-of-God-Descend-upon-My-Heart.pdf |
lowercase 4-letter prop. |
201 |
Spirit Song |
7 |
23 |
206,207 |
48.00 |
99.90 |
02:27 AM |
x |
45,795 |
Spirit-Song |
x |
x |
45faf0a5-f4e8-4418-adc5-9202b03dffec |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/45faf0a5-f4e8-4418-adc5-9202b03dffec |
x |
e71cf215-b1ef-4445-bd7c-285d37a091cf |
[201] Spirit Song |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Spirit-Song.pdf |
D Maj |
23 |
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus |
1 |
23 |
25 |
93.00 |
99.90 |
02:45 AM |
x |
29,959 |
Stand-Up-Stand-Up-for-Jesus |
x |
x |
e1fac5ce-3c47-4744-90f9-6f7bbcfd923c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e1fac5ce-3c47-4744-90f9-6f7bbcfd923c |
x |
a2601544-d0f3-49e9-87b2-cfb3e94ab8fe |
[23] Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Stand-Up-Stand-Up-for-Jesus.pdf |
A# Maj |
24 |
Standing on the Promises |
1 |
24 |
26 |
81.40 |
99.90 |
x |
29,960 |
Standing-on-the-Promises |
x |
x |
b6dfef4e-018a-46a2-93b5-e30edebbb09d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b6dfef4e-018a-46a2-93b5-e30edebbb09d |
x |
4351fc9e-e492-4e2f-8f75-a50216c6661e |
[24] Standing on the Promises |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Standing-on-the-Promises.pdf |
A# Maj |
192 |
Surely the Presence of the Lord |
7 |
14 |
197 |
30.10 |
100.00 |
x |
45,796 |
Surely-the-Presence-of-the-Lord |
x |
x |
5bf8456a-d52c-49cd-ba1c-084923c7fb3e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5bf8456a-d52c-49cd-ba1c-084923c7fb3e |
x |
a78776d7-af0c-4315-aa4c-d74a43a6dae4 |
[192] Surely the Presence of the Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Surely-the-Presence-of-the-Lord.pdf |
A Maj |
172 |
Sweet Hour of Prayer |
6 |
23 |
177 |
69.80 |
99.90 |
02:30 AM |
x |
45,797 |
Sweet-Hour-of-Prayer |
x |
x |
1b8219f0-0794-415f-8757-d6a79aa9286d |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/1b8219f0-0794-415f-8757-d6a79aa9286d |
x |
760da46f-b6a0-43cb-b59b-992dbd73b633 |
[172] Sweet Hour of Prayer |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Sweet-Hour-of-Prayer.pdf |
C# Maj |
129 |
Take My Life and Let It Be |
5 |
10 |
131 |
62.80 |
100.00 |
02:04 AM |
x |
45,798 |
Take-My-Life-and-Let-It-Be |
x |
x |
4f885973-4ab0-4a69-81f2-208e41da618a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4f885973-4ab0-4a69-81f2-208e41da618a |
x |
f5827ef1-b249-4a90-ae3b-3707d0fbb57c |
[129] Take My Life and Let It Be |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Take-My-Life-and-Let-It-Be.pdf |
F Maj |
39 |
Take the Name of Jesus With You |
2 |
9 |
41 |
68.80 |
99.90 |
02:53 AM |
x |
45,799 |
Take-the-Name-of-Jesus-With-You |
x |
x |
fa5deb7e-ad66-4f0b-88d1-be6d511faac4 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/fa5deb7e-ad66-4f0b-88d1-be6d511faac4 |
x |
a1f885db-cab6-4e83-9c1c-99f9f124020a |
[39] Take the Name of Jesus With You |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Take-the-Name-of-Jesus-With-You.pdf |
c min |
168 |
Take Time to Be Holy |
6 |
19 |
173 |
59.50 |
99.90 |
02:19 AM |
x |
45,800 |
Take-Time-to-Be-Holy |
x |
x |
95c698e0-fa56-47c5-9c8d-165f02ec5061 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/95c698e0-fa56-47c5-9c8d-165f02ec5061 |
x |
53f4ac69-4d8f-4eb1-9535-d8ce3be621a9 |
[168] Take Time to Be Holy |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Take-Time-to-Be-Holy.pdf |
F Maj |
175 |
Teach Me to Pray |
6 |
26 |
180,181 |
61.20 |
100.00 |
03:13 AM |
x |
45,801 |
Teach-Me-to-Pray |
x |
x |
abcd9d22-cd8e-45b3-be83-e5156d77b775 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/abcd9d22-cd8e-45b3-be83-e5156d77b775 |
x |
43cf60c2-1a11-465a-9081-5b746cf87a1a |
[175] Teach Me to Pray |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Teach-Me-to-Pray.pdf |
C# Maj |
65 |
Tell It to Jesus |
3 |
5 |
66 |
68.90 |
99.90 |
02:09 AM |
x |
45,802 |
Tell-It-to-Jesus |
x |
x |
19d45d96-a431-43b5-8759-b49a3b9e0fea |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/19d45d96-a431-43b5-8759-b49a3b9e0fea |
x |
65236a29-b1a8-420a-8d57-d2b24f805a1d |
[65] Tell It to Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Tell-It-to-Jesus.pdf |
A# Maj |
123 |
Tell Me the Old, Old Story |
5 |
4 |
125 |
82.50 |
100.00 |
02:45 AM |
x |
45,803 |
Tell-Me-the-Old-Old-Story |
x |
x |
e042378d-318a-407a-b455-2502554be562 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e042378d-318a-407a-b455-2502554be562 |
x |
f120a83c-dc81-4403-9ebf-5623401ee7e8 |
[123] Tell Me the Old, Old Story |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Tell-Me-the-Old-Old-Story.pdf |
25 |
The Church's One Foundation |
1 |
25 |
27 |
92.00 |
100.00 |
02:52 AM |
x |
29,961 |
The-Churchs-One-Foundation |
x |
x |
6c5d4ef9-2196-47e9-9a17-66eb79537e76 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/6c5d4ef9-2196-47e9-9a17-66eb79537e76 |
x |
8228e143-b355-4bdc-b958-429167d23883 |
[25] The Church's One Foundation |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Churchs-One-Foundation.pdf |
D# Maj |
110 |
The Day of Resurrection |
4 |
21 |
110 |
83.90 |
100.00 |
01:58 AM |
x |
45,804 |
The-Day-of-Resurrection |
x |
x |
500f9c86-a324-48c1-89ba-faadbd5d25cc |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/500f9c86-a324-48c1-89ba-faadbd5d25cc |
x |
3318210d-3ec2-438a-a642-bfed4a783873 |
[110] The Day of Resurrection |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Day-of-Resurrection.pdf |
D Maj |
113 |
The Heavens Declare Thy Glory |
4 |
24 |
114 |
81.40 |
100.00 |
03:01 AM |
x |
45,805 |
The-Heavens-Declare-Thy-Glory |
x |
x |
0db53c06-2d8f-4527-94b4-be24880019f6 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/0db53c06-2d8f-4527-94b4-be24880019f6 |
x |
542d0f1d-11db-4407-a5e8-edf555a9f81f |
[113] The Heavens Declare Thy Glory |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Heavens-Declare-Thy-Glory.pdf |
a min |
89 |
The King of Love My Shepherd Is |
3 |
29 |
90 |
57.40 |
100.00 |
03:24 AM |
x |
45,806 |
The-King-of-Love-My-Shepherd-Is |
x |
x |
224115f0-adbb-4b9c-b699-4776b0909fc7 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/224115f0-adbb-4b9c-b699-4776b0909fc7 |
x |
9f1a9a90-8647-469d-9c5c-d37792a0fe27 |
[89] The King of Love My Shepherd Is |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-King-of-Love-My-Shepherd-Is.pdf |
59 |
The Lord's My Shepherd (Crimond) |
2 |
29 |
60 |
70.40 |
100.00 |
02:36 AM |
x |
45,807 |
The-Lords-My-Shepherd-Crimond |
x |
x |
6f434a7a-ec36-4909-955c-cbda5900e0e0 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/6f434a7a-ec36-4909-955c-cbda5900e0e0 |
x |
2b3f84af-615a-4cb4-9434-83cc412c3fa8 |
[59] The Lord's My Shepherd (Crimond) |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Lords-My-Shepherd-Crimond.pdf |
how to distinguish |
C Maj |
58 |
The Lord's My Shepherd (Evan) |
2 |
28 |
60 |
72.20 |
100.00 |
02:15 AM |
x |
45,808 |
The-Lords-My-Shepherd-Evan |
x |
x |
2f31b725-248b-4bb1-a675-7babc4f80e57 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2f31b725-248b-4bb1-a675-7babc4f80e57 |
x |
94bf0ce7-b352-465f-8677-f6171b83fa90 |
[58] The Lord's My Shepherd (Evan) |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Lords-My-Shepherd-Evan.pdf |
how to distinguish |
c min |
77 |
The Mercy That Never Fails |
3 |
17 |
7,879 |
64.90 |
100.00 |
03:10 AM |
x |
45,809 |
The-Mercy-That-Never-Fails |
x |
x |
b16cba13-474c-4308-adca-e2f36ed96f3f |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b16cba13-474c-4308-adca-e2f36ed96f3f |
x |
04420e86-2c14-423c-891b-86e43264faf4 |
[77] The Mercy That Never Fails |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Mercy-That-Never-Fails.pdf |
C Maj |
111 |
The Nail-Scarred Hand |
4 |
22 |
111 |
66.40 |
100.00 |
02:49 AM |
x |
10,363 |
The-Nail-Scarred-Hand |
x |
x |
08dbc87d-71f7-4755-8c96-a94ebb768f8a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/08dbc87d-71f7-4755-8c96-a94ebb768f8a |
x |
13937e87-257c-4070-940e-9be7f2fd95ad |
[111] The Nail-Scarred Hand |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Nail-Scarred-Hand.pdf |
a min |
41 |
The Name of Jesus |
2 |
11 |
43 |
59.70 |
100.00 |
x |
45,810 |
The-Name-of-Jesus |
x |
x |
16284704-dfde-48e9-9273-859744c1e3ba |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/16284704-dfde-48e9-9273-859744c1e3ba |
x |
d9a4777b-3050-4d39-a5e9-e864c345d9ac |
[41] The Name of Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Name-of-Jesus.pdf |
A# Maj |
5 |
The Solid Rock |
1 |
5 |
7 |
94.30 |
100.00 |
02:20 AM |
x |
29,962 |
The-Solid-Rock |
x |
x |
e5204d66-6373-44d3-a556-53e88eda9e7e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e5204d66-6373-44d3-a556-53e88eda9e7e |
x |
92be8460-d5da-47b2-80f3-c74a53c0b806 |
[5] The Solid Rock |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Solid-Rock.pdf |
F Maj |
100 |
The Statutes of the Lord |
4 |
11 |
100,101 |
54.20 |
100.00 |
04:21 AM |
x |
45,811 |
The-Statutes-of-the-Lord |
x |
x |
c25ba9a3-5ec5-4c28-a751-fcd2ceae7810 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c25ba9a3-5ec5-4c28-a751-fcd2ceae7810 |
x |
8581ef2a-91d0-48d5-8746-648aa145b0b6 |
[100] The Statutes of the Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_The-Statutes-of-the-Lord.pdf |
a min |
194 |
There Is a Place of Quiet Rest |
7 |
16 |
199 |
41.80 |
100.00 |
02:08 AM |
x |
45,812 |
There-Is-a-Place-of-Quiet-Rest |
x |
x |
f855b9f6-25cb-43a8-9c1d-7ed75f209aec |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/f855b9f6-25cb-43a8-9c1d-7ed75f209aec |
x |
f20002cb-5387-4ca2-918b-ce2bcc79ea60 |
[194] There Is a Place of Quiet Rest |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_There-Is-a-Place-of-Quiet-Rest.pdf |
C# Maj |
136 |
There's a Great Day Coming |
5 |
17 |
139 |
89.80 |
99.90 |
01:58 AM |
x |
45,813 |
Theres-a-Great-Day-Coming |
x |
x |
a6312433-3518-4012-99d9-441ee5de2a6a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a6312433-3518-4012-99d9-441ee5de2a6a |
x |
5d765b8c-3a8a-4d3b-a897-dc52e32f92cd |
[136] There's a Great Day Coming |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Theres-a-Great-Day-Coming.pdf |
b min |
68 |
There's No Friend Like Jesus |
3 |
8 |
69 |
66.00 |
100.00 |
x |
45,814 |
Theres-No-Friend-Like-Jesus |
x |
x |
b1572fe7-d7d0-436f-a9fc-866078d2dac5 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/b1572fe7-d7d0-436f-a9fc-866078d2dac5 |
x |
e6aa3167-3af8-48a0-a0ce-661e6d6fec68 |
[68] There's No Friend Like Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Theres-No-Friend-Like-Jesus.pdf |
D Maj |
150 |
This Is My Father's World |
6 |
1 |
153 |
70.40 |
100.00 |
x |
45,815 |
This-Is-My-Fathers-World |
x |
x |
08f27a28-6b89-4707-9062-9683136b9b6c |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/08f27a28-6b89-4707-9062-9683136b9b6c |
x |
11eeb64c-a09e-4d28-87cf-ff05c906bbb3 |
[150] This Is My Father's World |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_This-Is-My-Fathers-World.pdf |
D# Maj |
99 |
This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made |
4 |
10 |
99 |
77.90 |
100.00 |
01:33 AM |
x |
45,816 |
This-Is-the-Day-the-Lord-Hath-Made |
x |
x |
9bd701d0-0fdb-4748-b035-c815ac1ab9d7 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/9bd701d0-0fdb-4748-b035-c815ac1ab9d7 |
x |
23e99f24-0602-459e-a768-c8f5e9ea3b54 |
[99] This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_This-Is-the-Day-the-Lord-Hath-Made.pdf |
D Maj |
133 |
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne |
5 |
14 |
135 |
73.10 |
100.00 |
x |
45,817 |
Thou-Didst-Leave-Thy-Throne |
x |
x |
1480ea29-cf3b-43ba-ad57-5b2ab1c42f55 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/1480ea29-cf3b-43ba-ad57-5b2ab1c42f55 |
x |
806d3041-e2de-4b77-a141-e48a3f3d5a13 |
[133] Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Thou-Didst-Leave-Thy-Throne.pdf |
A Maj |
122 |
Through the Love of God, Our Savior |
5 |
3 |
124 |
56.30 |
100.00 |
02:23 AM |
x |
45,818 |
Through-the-Love-of-God-Our-Savior |
x |
x |
2e33dac1-2e4f-4192-a7e9-3016c872210e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/2e33dac1-2e4f-4192-a7e9-3016c872210e |
x |
d0172dc2-0a27-435f-957b-4b1c41cf8e10 |
[122] Through the Love of God, Our Savior |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Through-the-Love-of-God-Our-Savior.pdf |
F Maj |
199 |
Thy Perfect Will Be Done |
7 |
21 |
204 |
61.30 |
100.00 |
03:01 AM |
x |
45,819 |
Thy-Perfect-Will-Be-Done |
x |
x |
51d2f562-2461-40e6-ab67-b19d790e6f25 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/51d2f562-2461-40e6-ab67-b19d790e6f25 |
x |
66394328-77c9-4f7c-acea-2d217b738313 |
[199] Thy Perfect Will Be Done |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Thy-Perfect-Will-Be-Done.pdf |
D# Maj |
190 |
Thy Word Is a Lamp |
7 |
12 |
195 |
39.60 |
100.00 |
x |
45,820 |
Thy-Word-Is-a-Lamp |
x |
x |
63551d19-cdc1-43b1-b98e-86c837a6dd60 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/63551d19-cdc1-43b1-b98e-86c837a6dd60 |
x |
e9792761-c026-4f96-aed6-465c77d0083e |
[190] Thy Word Is a Lamp |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Thy-Word-Is-a-Lamp.pdf |
D# Maj |
184 |
Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord |
7 |
6 |
188 |
59.20 |
100.00 |
02:09 AM |
x |
45,821 |
Thy-Word-Is-Like-a-Garden-Lord |
x |
x |
e7af42a9-36f1-4774-881e-c033ad6110de |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/e7af42a9-36f1-4774-881e-c033ad6110de |
x |
ef3946f2-7ca7-450c-b89b-51534654ecfa |
[184] Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Thy-Word-Is-Like-a-Garden-Lord.pdf |
A# Maj |
108 |
'Tis Midnight |
4 |
19 |
108 |
60.00 |
100.00 |
02:29 AM |
x |
10,361 |
Tis-Midnight |
x |
x |
9e07f927-20d8-40a2-a462-c36445e70bc0 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/9e07f927-20d8-40a2-a462-c36445e70bc0 |
x |
67e29bcd-f624-4178-a707-5b6661c3f56d |
[108] 'Tis Midnight |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Tis-Midnight.pdf |
G# Maj |
56 |
'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus |
2 |
26 |
58 |
68.70 |
100.00 |
x |
45,822 |
Tis-So-Sweet-to-Trust-in-Jesus |
x |
x |
feb4e7bd-5b77-4f38-888a-af8aa4f051e3 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/feb4e7bd-5b77-4f38-888a-af8aa4f051e3 |
x |
b8b62c0a-b6ed-4daa-8ff2-9839f1edf73a |
[56] 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Tis-So-Sweet-to-Trust-in-Jesus.pdf |
G Maj |
26 |
To God Be the Glory |
1 |
26 |
2,829 |
87.50 |
100.00 |
02:54 AM |
x |
29,963 |
To-God-Be-the-Glory |
x |
x |
8f9be81d-052f-449b-a290-383208c457eb |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/8f9be81d-052f-449b-a290-383208c457eb |
x |
45724d33-8d21-4b48-83cb-90898342fc5a |
[26] To God Be the Glory |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_To-God-Be-the-Glory.pdf |
c min |
159 |
To the Work |
6 |
10 |
164,165 |
54.00 |
100.00 |
03:00 AM |
x |
45,823 |
To-the-Work |
x |
x |
0cd14ccc-a59c-491e-b645-9c58422cac83 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/0cd14ccc-a59c-491e-b645-9c58422cac83 |
x |
3e52387a-4bb0-4ec8-bb2a-c3ad4c985b12 |
[159] To the Work |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_To-the-Work.pdf |
A# Maj |
193 |
Trust and Obey |
7 |
15 |
198,199 |
62.70 |
100.00 |
x |
45,824 |
Trust-and-Obey |
x |
x |
7fc86043-61bd-4086-b3c1-bb6e90ee5f66 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7fc86043-61bd-4086-b3c1-bb6e90ee5f66 |
x |
2e8a3d03-7556-4ec0-ba72-4e4176780d95 |
[193] Trust and Obey |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Trust-and-Obey.pdf |
a min |
181 |
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus |
7 |
3 |
186 |
42.00 |
100.00 |
02:48 AM |
x |
45,825 |
Turn-Your-Eyes-Upon-Jesus |
x |
x |
4ad9f8a6-f348-49d8-a891-c82df3f7648a |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/4ad9f8a6-f348-49d8-a891-c82df3f7648a |
x |
d8c3c258-5324-4084-a9f6-000b0081d6d9 |
[181] Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Turn-Your-Eyes-Upon-Jesus.pdf |
F Maj |
188 |
Victory in Jesus |
7 |
10 |
192,193 |
81.70 |
100.00 |
03:25 AM |
x |
45,826 |
Victory-in-Jesus |
x |
x |
3647b458-80c6-41cd-b8f4-56af806d69c6 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/3647b458-80c6-41cd-b8f4-56af806d69c6 |
x |
daa3a27b-fb8a-42e6-92fd-7b8c874ef1f5 |
[188] Victory in Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Victory-in-Jesus.pdf |
50 |
We Gather Together |
2 |
20 |
52 |
69.00 |
100.00 |
01:44 AM |
x |
45,827 |
We-Gather-Together |
x |
x |
c100e135-6189-435a-84d7-6a697f08e85b |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/c100e135-6189-435a-84d7-6a697f08e85b |
x |
697ec6c2-8662-4cf6-8a0a-ab90f9ebb62d |
[50] We Gather Together |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_We-Gather-Together.pdf |
A Maj |
182 |
We Give Thee but Thine Own |
7 |
4 |
187 |
59.30 |
100.00 |
01:56 AM |
x |
45,828 |
We-Give-Thee-but-Thine-Own |
x |
x |
d5c15bf3-ac85-4b76-b5ee-1be917020790 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/d5c15bf3-ac85-4b76-b5ee-1be917020790 |
x |
08b78973-2514-4090-9b70-1dac0b161218 |
[182] We Give Thee but Thine Own |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_We-Give-Thee-but-Thine-Own.pdf |
G# Maj |
30 |
We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer |
1 |
30 |
32 |
82.60 |
99.80 |
01:43 AM |
x |
29,946 |
We-Praise-Thee-O-God-Our-Redeemer |
x |
x |
7de0c3a4-71b9-46ad-96c8-fe05f20e1b13 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/7de0c3a4-71b9-46ad-96c8-fe05f20e1b13 |
x |
caf62ff4-8b3b-4944-9d00-9686220264f9 |
[30] We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_We-Praise-Thee-O-God-Our-Redeemer.pdf |
A Maj |
145 |
We've a Story to Tell to the Nations |
5 |
26 |
148 |
61.70 |
100.00 |
03:04 AM |
x |
45,829 |
Weve-a-Story-to-Tell-to-the-Nations |
x |
x |
8b58aecc-afba-42b3-bff9-e870e7d967e6 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/8b58aecc-afba-42b3-bff9-e870e7d967e6 |
x |
58bf7ad9-57ac-4616-917f-53b00220d7c6 |
[145] We've a Story to Tell to the Nations |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Weve-a-Story-to-Tell-to-the-Nations.pdf |
a min |
66 |
What a Friend We Have in Jesus |
3 |
6 |
67 |
70.20 |
100.00 |
02:28 AM |
x |
45,830 |
What-a-Friend-We-Have-in-Jesus |
x |
x |
34ab2c50-8fdf-4e89-8632-531f54f35740 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/34ab2c50-8fdf-4e89-8632-531f54f35740 |
x |
67d97dfa-99d2-4e15-9399-6c1005083e2b |
[66] What a Friend We Have in Jesus |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_What-a-Friend-We-Have-in-Jesus.pdf |
F Maj |
116 |
When I See the Blood |
4 |
27 |
117 |
50.20 |
100.00 |
x |
45,831 |
When-I-See-the-Blood |
x |
x |
a3173c08-f6af-429f-a09a-4b5d256530fe |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/a3173c08-f6af-429f-a09a-4b5d256530fe |
x |
2479a517-9a5b-4f8b-a001-7ccbcc274412 |
[116] When I See the Blood |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_When-I-See-the-Blood.pdf |
C Maj |
37 |
When Morning Gilds the Skies |
2 |
7 |
39 |
83.80 |
100.00 |
02:18 AM |
x |
45,832 |
When-Morning-Gilds-the-Skies |
x |
x |
26e1d7ee-0c45-4493-913d-cfda1224b32e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/26e1d7ee-0c45-4493-913d-cfda1224b32e |
x |
b664abc3-244a-47c9-a33d-c85d9aae7608 |
[37] When Morning Gilds the Skies |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_When-Morning-Gilds-the-Skies.pdf |
G Maj |
197 |
Wherever He Leads, I'll Go |
7 |
19 |
202,203 |
76.80 |
100.00 |
02:43 AM |
x |
45,833 |
Wherever-He-Leads-Ill-Go |
x |
x |
82285ce0-e787-46fd-9e73-3ccbc0e4f6ce |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/82285ce0-e787-46fd-9e73-3ccbc0e4f6ce |
x |
c52b0fee-b332-40fc-b104-1401f2888194 |
[197] Wherever He Leads, I'll Go |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Wherever-He-Leads-Ill-Go.pdf |
a min |
146 |
Whosoever Will |
5 |
27 |
149 |
56.20 |
100.00 |
x |
45,834 |
Whosoever-Will |
x |
x |
22f8b257-cf4c-406c-a5e0-55068011214e |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/22f8b257-cf4c-406c-a5e0-55068011214e |
x |
1090e50d-30ef-43a9-9916-8c2e70d9e007 |
[146] Whosoever Will |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Whosoever-Will.pdf |
D Maj |
43 |
Wonderful Words of Life |
2 |
13 |
45 |
62.20 |
100.00 |
02:10 AM |
x |
45,835 |
Wonderful-Words-of-Life |
x |
x |
74d5bdfb-3e49-4ea1-a749-5c6de9cdd0de |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/74d5bdfb-3e49-4ea1-a749-5c6de9cdd0de |
x |
cf9be0b6-3585-4895-b4dc-1af9ddbe3c80 |
[43] Wonderful Words of Life |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Wonderful-Words-of-Life.pdf |
top of title is clipped |
F Maj |
158 |
Work, for the Night Is Coming |
6 |
9 |
163 |
64.40 |
100.00 |
01:55 AM |
x |
45,836 |
Work-for-the-Night-Is-Coming |
x |
x |
5a162f86-ebd3-4a8d-9b16-4353a8f091d8 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/5a162f86-ebd3-4a8d-9b16-4353a8f091d8 |
x |
01f6a9de-260a-4cf1-b505-a5ea66dc3dae |
[158] Work, for the Night Is Coming |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Work-for-the-Night-Is-Coming.pdf |
"for" to upper |
F Maj |
149 |
Yield Not to Temptation |
5 |
30 |
152 |
62.90 |
100.00 |
02:23 AM |
x |
45,837 |
Yield-Not-to-Temptation |
x |
x |
dab3a9d1-bf2e-4579-84eb-421570646995 |
https://dashboard.thechurchapp.org/10853#/library/music/songs/dab3a9d1-bf2e-4579-84eb-421570646995 |
x |
1477cab7-f6d7-4ceb-868a-119f936118bf |
[149] Yield Not to Temptation |
https://www.borntowin.net/files/pdf/hymns/CEM-Red_Yield-Not-to-Temptation.pdf |
d min |