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Do They Know?

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Do all men know that you are a disciple of Christ? Can they tell through the love you demonstrate to your brethren and your fellow man? John 13:35 states By this everyone will know that

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Teaching Creation

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Secular scientists reject the Creator and the testimony of his Word, much like Charles Darwin who rejected God and believed that “deity” was the mind of man. Today most schools teach the theory of evolution

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Becoming Deceived

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It has long troubled me how deception occurs. How can a sound mind come to believe a lie? Over the years, most have witnessed this process. People lead righteous, upright lives, seemingly filled with the

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What’s a Christian to Do?

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Part One Broadly speaking, within the Christian community there are two divergent ways of looking at the political process and our civic opportunities or responsibilities. There are those who exercise their civic right to participate

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Surprise Me

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My daughter used to work at an advertising agency: an environment abounding in creativity. While there, she received a thoughtful note of appreciation from David Culp, one of her cohorts, who later became her business