As I understand my basic science, time can speed up or slow down depending on the speed at which an object travels. That is a little hard to grasp, but they say it has been scientifically demonstrated, so we will take that as a given. But my first proposition is that, fast or slow, time is a one-way street. There is no such thing as time travel, nor will there ever be.
Now I have heard people speak of God existing outside of time, and they draw a mental picture of God sitting on a hill where he can see the entire timeline of man. He sees it like a road. We can’t see around the next bend, but God sees it all. But let me pose a problem to you. As I write this, I am sitting in Texas. Can God see me right now in, say, Mexico City? Of course not, because I am not in Mexico City, I am here. Have I limited God? No, the question is absurd and everyone knows it.
Well, can God see me next year? If we say no, are we limiting God? Can’t God travel in time? Can’t God see the future? Whether God can or not, we might discuss. But first, you may want to write this down: God does not do things merely because he can.