There’s a terrible burden that lays upon man. The world around him can be working perfectly. Everything can be in the right place, there is no immediate tragedy stalking him, everything can be beautiful, and a man can still be absolutely miserable. This is the man who can stand on green grass in the middle of beautiful flowers and shrubbery and sweet air, and curse the rain.
There was a very wise man once, to whom God granted the wisdom to experience life and to understand life, and to be able to deal with it, and thankfully, this man wrote down the things that he learned about what make life work and what doesn’t make life work. Much of what he wrote is in the Book of Proverbs in your Bible, but less known and just as important is the Book of Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes is one whole context of the reflections of an intelligent, wise, experienced man. And if you want to understand how life works (or maybe more importantly how your life works) and what you can do to make life work for you instead of against you, like it seems to do so often, it is worth reading through.