If you call yourself a Christian, what can I assume that you believe? If you call yourself a Christian, what can I depend on you to do? One fellow recently wrote to me and commented that he didn’t think that Mormons were Christians. But you know what? It’s even money that somewhere there is someone who wouldn’t think he is a Christian either. Oddly, the term Christian
is not part of Jesus’ instructions to his disciples. He doesn’t mention the term at all. Christian
was a descriptive term applied to the disciples of Jesus by the non-Christians in Antioch. The followers of Jesus seem to have gradually accepted the descriptor.
That said, it appears that all the term means is that you are a disciple—that is, a learner
. Anyone can call himself a Christian. And, if he does, Christ takes a personal interest in him. To whatever extent one actually believes Jesus and acts on the things he said, his life is made better. The Holy Spirit will begin to work on your life. So, if you call yourself a Christian, I’ll take your word for it. But what assumptions about you can I make?