History & Prophecy #4

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This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series History & Prophecy

There have been many interpretations regarding the time of Christ’s return. How could there be so many different opinions? Could it be that all too often people make their assumptions by looking at the future instead of investigating the past?

We would be wise to heed the words of King Solomon:

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, Look! This is something new? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Now, he may not have been talking specifically about prophecies in this passage, but what he stated can certainly apply to what we are learning in this series of Bible studies.

I’m Ronald Dart. Thank you for joining us for part 4 in our study of History and Prophecy.

Series Navigation<< History & Prophecy #3History & Prophecy #5 >>

This message has also been released with the title: “Prophecy & History #4”


Ronald L. Dart

Ronald L. Dart (1934–2016) — People around the world have come to appreciate his easy style, non-combative approach to explaining the Bible, and the personal, almost one-on-one method of explaining what’s going on in the world in the light of the Bible. After retiring from teaching and church administration in 1995 he started Christian Educational Ministries and the Born to Win radio program.

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Image Credits: Edward Henry Courbold