Unity is an abnormal state in the world at large. In fact, the only time there has ever been even a semblance of unity has been under force of arms. It is odd in a way, because there seems to be yearning in the human heart for unity.
But we are destined to struggle with one another, and for what? Is it for power, for money, for control? Maybe. But there may be something more elemental at work. We have known for a very long time that one of the most basic drives in a human being is the desire to be free from external restraint. Down through time, the struggle between man’s desire for unity and man’s desire to be free has gone on.
The reason I raise the question is because, in our study of Christian origins, we have come to the Book of Ephesians. The basic theme of Ephesians is unity. It is not hard to imagine how frustrated Paul was by now with the fractiousness of the church.