Would it shock you to learn that during the time when the New Testament was being written, the entire Christian Church throughout the known world observed the Sabbath day? How about the fact that the great majority of Christian churches observed the Sabbath for over 400 years? And that a substantial part of the Christian churches were still observing the Sabbath day a thousand years later.
No, I don’t mean Sunday. I mean what most people would call the Jewish Sabbath
. I mean Saturday. I mean the fourth commandment. As late as the 80’s and 90’s of the first century, when the last epistles of then Bible were being written, the church universally observed the seventh-day Sabbath.
This is really beyond dispute. This is not a matter of a few proof texts and technical arguments. It is something that is woven into the very fabric of the New Testament. Let me start with some common ground—something that everyone will agree on.